Sunday, December 6, 2015

Pre-Thanskgiving 2015

Since we were going to be gone over Thanksgiving with Jesse's family, my parents decided to have Thanksgiving at their little town home on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Everyone that was available to come, came. Chan and her boyfriend, Tyler, Tyson and Jessica with their new baby Jacklynn, Grandma and Grandpa, and then my own family.
There is nothing greater than sitting around the table together and enjoying a great meal together. While we were eating my Dad asked each of us to go around and say something that we were grateful for. One by one we each expressed our gratitude.
After everyone was done I shared a quick thought that I had heard from Sacrament meeting. The lady that spoke was talking about gratitude and one of the things that she said has really stuck with me. And that is...
"What if you woke up in the morning to only the things you thanked the Lord for yesterday?"
I just loved that. What a thought provoking question.
Then she went on to say...
"Be thankful for your dirty dishes, because it means you had food to eat.
Be thankful for the piles of laundry, because it means you were able to dress your family."
I loved that too. Especially because those are 2 of the things that I don't really like to do around the house. But when she said that it just gave me such a perspective that I had never thought of before.
From that point on I have been trying to remember all of the little things that I am blessed with. To help with that I put up a Ponderize Scripture on the bathroom mirror that reads...
"And ye must give thanks unto God in the spirit for whatsoever blessing ye are blessed with." D&C 46:32

My dad saved the wishbone for these two munchkins to break. They had never done that before so they thought it was pretty cool.

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