Sunday, December 27, 2015

Most Definitely a White Week!

Ever since that first big snow storm a couple of weeks ago, it just hasn't stopped. Just about every day this week we have had snow fall everyday. And not just a little, it comes down in inches. I'm sure we are getting more because we are higher up on the hill now. But either way it has just been dumping. It's kind of exciting.
I love when Jesse is here so he can snow blow the driveway for me. 
 But when he's not, I'm left to do it alone. Yes I should be using the snow blower, because that was one of the biggest factors that went into buying it. But I still am nervous to use it. I need more practice. And besides, I couldn't get to the gym in time so I counted shoveling as my workout.
 Cute little Ryker wants to help out so bad. I love that about him. 
 I left a little patch on the flatter part of the driveway for him to do all by himself. He did a very good job.
The boys have been begging Jesse and I to build a snowman with them, but it just never was good timing. So I was so happy to see this picture that Heidi had sent me on Saturday (12/19) while they were watching the kids. They sure are lucky to have such fun grandparents. 

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