Sunday, April 12, 2015

Legacy Duathlon 2015

I am kinda sentimental about this race because it was my first race that got me into the love for racing. So when it was coming around I really wanted to do it. Even though I was pregnant. And.... I really wanted Jesse to do it with me. So what did I do? I signed us up.
First race of the season and I really was excited about it. But being pregnant I knew that I just wanted to do the race to just do it. Not really caring if I placed or not. Just finish and say that I did it being 4 1/2 months pregnant. So I signed Jesse and I up for the short course. Which is what I have done the past 2 years. I decided I didn't need to do the long course quite yet. Maybe next year? And Jesse only wanted to do the short course anyway. So it was perfect.
Saturday morning came and I headed down to the transition area in NSL. Jesse would be meeting me there because he was coming from work that morning. Talk about a tough man... working a 24 hour shift and then coming straight to the race.
I had everything there all set up ready for him to just come, change his clothes and get going. He had taken his bike to work because he had a flat tire that needed repairing. So that was the only think missing. But other than that he was set.

I found lots of friends at the race that I was excited to see. From left to right: Me, Jesse, Chad (I met him at GPP), Ryan Dailey (from the Top Gear Team that no longer exists... sad day), Jeff Lewis (Top Gear team and works out at GPP as well), and Jeff's son Jonah. They were all doing the long course except me, Jesse and Jonah. Chad, Ryan and Jeff are doing the St. George Half IRONMAN at the beginning of May. So that's exciting for them.
Anyway, so Jesse and I started about 10 seconds apart from each other and we were able to stay together mostly the whole time. On the bike ride we took turns being in the lead. But I loved having him with me the entire time. The second run came and I had transitioned a little faster than he had but knew he would catch up to me on the run. Because let's be honest, my running is slower now that I'm caring this extra weight. But Jesse never caught up. I guess he had a bad cramp in his calf and he had to stop and stretch it out.

I finished with a time of 1:04:58. Jesse finished with a time of 1:06:49. Not too shabby. When I got my slip of paper with my time it tells you what you are in your age division and at that moment I was 1st in my age division. Um? Come again? My goal was just to finish this race and here I was placing. And being pregnant. Shocked is the only word that comes to mind of how I was feeling about it.
Jesse placed 5th in his division, but because 2 of the guys in his division placed in the overall category he got bumped up into 3rd place. So he too got a medal. YAY!!!! We both took home a Gold and Bronze for our family. I'd say it was quite the accomplished morning for us. So very proud of Jesse.
My brother Tyson had brought the boys to cheer us on. Unfortunately he didn't make it in time for the boys to see us finish. They arrived shortly there after. Ryker was really bummed because he had made a little sign that said "GO MOM AND DAD!" How cute is he?

But either way I was so happy to see them there. And when they got there I could already see their proud looks on their faces. I love that about Ryker, he really was so proud of us. I hope that he will keep that attitude when he is a teenager. Haha.
Oh how I love this little family of mine.

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