Friday, April 3, 2015

Egg "Dying"

On Wednesday when we went grocery shopping to fill our empty fridge. While we were shopping I had the boys pick out an egg dying kit. And I told them after I got home from work on Thursday we would dye some eggs.
When I got home from work and had the following conversation with Ryker...
Ryker:"Mom, are we dying tonight?"
Me: (Laughing inside, but thought I'd go with it) "Yes, we are dying tonight."
Ryker: "Yay! That'll be fun!"
Me: "Ya, we ALL are dying tonight"
Still not catching on to what he is really saying, Jesse chimes in and asks Cy "Do you want to 'dye' tonight?
Cy: "Nooo...:
Finally Ryker looks at Jesse and he says "Not that kind of dying. Egg Dying"
We all got a kick out of it.
As always the boys had the best time decorating the eggs. I'm sure if we had 3 dozen eggs they would have loved to decorate that many. But we only had 1 dozen for them to decorate.
I get the biggest kick out of seeing Cy concentrating so much on a task.  He looks like a mini Jesse. I just love it.

I didn't want to take away too many eggs from the boys decorating, but I did make one.

Easter Sunday will be really relaxing and laid back. It's Conference Sunday so we'll get to watch church in our jammies and sleep in. Sadly Jesse has to work, but he invited us to go up to the fire station for Easter dinner. So that'll be fun.

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