Sunday, April 12, 2015

Bearing Testimony

Jesse had a shift today so the boys and I went to church today. Nothing new really, that's been our lives the past year and a half, so we are used to that. Only thing different today was I was going to be subbing Cy's Sunbeam class. The lesson was about Easter. I had mixed feelings about it because it's not always easy to get 3 and 4 year olds attention and to hold it long enough to give a spiritual lesson.
But once I started talking about Jesus these kids were so into it. I showed them pictures of Jesus in Gethsemane, teaching the Sermon on the Mount, etc. But the picture I should them of Christ on the cross they all gathered around me to get a closer look and they were so quiet. It was like they could feel the reverence from that picture. It really struck me. I was so impressed that these little people could feel and know the importance of this picture. Oh it was a sweet moment.
They even kept their attention of the rest of the lesson. It was fantastic.
Well after the lesson we went to sharing time and then headed into the Chapel for Sacrament Meeting. Yes you read that right, we have a backwards block. It's been like that for 10 years for us, so it's going to be weird going to the regular way in our new ward.
Anyway, as we were partaking of the sacrament I got thinking about those Sunbeams and how much they impressed me. My heart started to feel full. Then it dawned on me... It was fast and testimony meeting. And right then I knew I would be bearing my testimony.
I'm not posting about this because I am trying to brag that I bore my testimony, just wait there is a reason behind all this story.
As I was gathering my thoughts on what I would say it occurred to me that this would be our last testimony meeting in this ward. Then my heart filled up, almost to explosion. It felt like the Spirit was screaming at me to go up. I couldn't ignore it. So I went up.
I could see Ryker in the congregation looking up at me again with that proud look he gives me. And he had tears in his eyes. This tender kid was feeling touched.
When I sat down in between the boys, Ryker wouldn't let go of me. I could feel that he was just ready to burst. Checking to make sure he was ok several times and he said yes. Finally I asked him if he felt like he needed to bare his testimony. Now usually when I ask him if he wants to do it he never wants to, but on this day he decided that he wanted to. So he got up and walked to the front. An older woman had beat him to the microphone, so he sad next to the Stake President and Bishop Olsen.
As this older women went on about who knows what? Ryker is anxiously waiting for his turn. I could tell he was nervous, so I started to feel nervous for him. Then I started to feel impatient that the woman wasn't done yet. I don't think I listened very well to her testimony because I was so focused on Ryker.
His turn finally came and my heart felt so proud of him that it could burst. He just nailed it. You never would have guessed he was nervous and he bore such a sweet little testimony. So proud of him.
When he sat down with Cy and I, he mentioned to me how good that made him feel. Even though he was really nervous. What a stud. That fear is strong and to get over it and bare testimony was a moment I hope never to forget. I was dying that Jesse wasn't there to witness this.
Ryker has always had a tender heart and sweet spirit. And I am so proud of him for bearing his testimony today. I just have a feeling he is going to be such a good solid example to his younger brothers, friends and family members for the rest of his life. He's a special kid.

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