Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Weekend Riding

Jesse's friend, Dave (whom Jesse used to work with when we first were married) invited us to come to his family's stable to come see the new baby horse that way born. So we went last night. Jesse took the boys there first and then I met up with them after I got off work. When I got there I was greeted by the boys riding on a mule while Jesse was pulling them around. They had several mules in a stable and one horse in another one. The horse is the one that gave birth 4 days before.
While Dave and his dad were saddling up the mules for us to ride, we had the chance to go see the 4 day old baby horse. And of my goodness was it cute. And such perfect timing for Easter weekend. 
We then spent the next hour or so riding around in the small pasture. At first the boys took turns with Jesse and I riding.

Ryker wanted to take a turn by himself and somehow he ended up being on the biggest mule named Pearl. And surprisingly he did so well controlling that mule. He even got the mule to trot a few times. We were all so impressed. And of course he was having the time of his life. He has such a love for animals that he was in heaven being able to ride Pearl.

To give Cy a faster ride Jesse had to pull the mule with a rope. I was laughing at him just bouncing around on that saddle and giggling so hard I thought he might fall off.

As the evening progressed they unsaddled the mules and put them all back in the stall and brought the Mama horse and baby our in the pasture to let the baby run around. As the mother ate  this baby ran around in circles at full speed. It was so cute to watch it playing. Truly childlike.

We thanked Dave and his dad over and over again for inviting us and going to the effort to get all these mules out for our family. The boys had the best time ever. It was such a fun night.

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