Sunday, May 10, 2015

Unforgettable Mother's Day Moment

As Ryker and I were getting ready for church, Cy went into our bedroom and laid down on my bed because he wasn't feeling very well. He had thrown up a couple of time last night, but I thought he was feeling better this morning because he was telling me how hungry he was and he wanted some eggs. So I scrambled him some eggs and he downed them. Then he asked for more. But by the time I got done cooking them he didn't really want them anymore. But he was still acting happy and playing around with Ryker. But not for long. He was then winding down and saying that he wanted to throw up. 
He climbed into my bed and before I know it he's sound asleep with only 20 minutes before church started. Oh and he looked so peaceful that I didn't have the heart to wake him. But I decided to just take him to Sacrament Meeting and let Ryker finish up the rest of the block by himself and then walk home (since our house is directly across the street from our house).
I wake him up and we walk across the street and head into the chapel.  
 The whole time during sacrament he just laid on my lap like a noodle. After the sacrament was passed Cy told me that he needed to throw up. So I leave Ryker in the chapel alone and go on the search for the bathroom. I find it and Cy drapes himself over the toilet. We wait and wait and wait, but nothing came. We walked around for a bit and then went back to the bathroom. Still nothing.

Finally went back into the chapel. Only after sitting for a minute or two Cy tells me he needs to throw up. So again I leave the chapel and before I can get out of the foyer he starts to throw up. It is all over him, all over me and on the floor. I decide to forget the bathroom and run outside to let him finish there.

Now what? Him and I are covered in throw up and Ryker is in the chapel still. I go into get Ryker and it was right as the primary was going up to sing a Mothers Day songs. So I wait for him to finish and then tell him what happened. I asked him if he still wanted to stay alone and he said yes. So I left.

Actually before we left I had to wipe up the foyer floor. I went to get some paper towels from the bathroom. When I was headed back there was a teenage boy that had a role of paper towels for me as well. Thoughtful thing. Then he said to me "Happy Mother's Day!". Haha.

It really is quite comical if you think about it. This will be a Mother's Day moment that I won't forget.

I took him home and changed our clothes and he fell asleep in my bed again for over an hour. I fell asleep with him and woke up right before Riker came home from church.
 I sat in our living room waiting and watching for him to come out of the church. He's kinda small in this picture but he is walking along the sidewalk. When he came inside he told me that he hurried home because I might be worried about him. What a thoughtful good kid. I love that I can trust him to do that. He also told me that he had a good day at church. Which I was glad about.
 I woke up Cy so we could head down to Grandma Heidi's house. I had just asked today if it was ok the boys and I went over there. Christian, KayTee and Kendall were there too, so we got to play games together.

On the way down Cy just looked miserable. I felt so bad for him.
 He threw up one time while we were there. But by the time we were headed back home he seemed to have perked up. Hopefully the worst is over and he can be back to his busy self tomorrow.

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