Friday, May 8, 2015

10 Years!!!!!

10 years
120 months
522 weeks
3,652 days
87,658 hours
5,259,488 minutes
315,569,260 seconds
However you look at it, I would consider this anniversary to be quite the accomplishment. It seems so common these days for couples not to last to the 10 year mark. So I feel very blessed that we have come this far and we still LIKE each other. We really enjoy being together and truly make a great couple.
Looking back over the last 10 years simply makes me so happy to think about all the wonderful things we have experienced together. Sure we have had our rough patches, but I think those moments have taught us how to be better and to enjoy the good moments. I feel like we have grown into a good team and a couple that is truly bonded for eternity. I'm not trying to proclaim that we are this perfect couple, what I am trying to say is that I think that we both are willing to put in the effort to make our marriage work. Which I think trickles down into our family life. It's a constant effort that needs to be made. But I think that the difference between successful and unsuccessful marriages. And I think I can speak for Jesse when I say this, that we want to have a successful marriage.
I look back at my 19 year old self on the day we got married and I would have to admit that I didn't know to the full extent what a good life I was headed towards. Jesse is the best that has happened to me. I was just a girl when we married, and I feel like he's help me grow into someone I couldn't imagine possible for myself. He's shown me how to become a better person.
Heavenly Father truly has blessed me to have married the greatest man on this earth. Sorry to all the other girls out there that I got the best man!
 Our Maui Trip was our gift to each other this year, but we still needed to go on a date to celebrate. Funny thing... Every time a new Iron Man or Avengers movie comes out, it happens to land on our anniversary weekend. We have had 4 years of that happen. So when the second Avengers Movie came out a few days ago, we had to go see it because it's now a Tradition. Haha.

Jesse took us downtown to the Gateway to see the movie. It had been since November that we had gone to see a movie in the theater together. Ahhhh... That just made me sound like a boring adult. But it's true. Having kids changes things when it comes to being up with the latest movie. I'm ok with it because it's just the stage of life that we are in. But it was really quite enjoyable to go and see a movie together.
Once the movie was over we went to the Sushi Restaurant -Happy Sumo- that was just right below the theater. Since being pregnant I have to stay away from the raw fished sushi rolls, but I still get to enjoy the cooked ones.

After dinner we walked around City Creek Mall for a little bit, and then headed home. It was a simple yet perfect night, I almost didn't want the night to end. The past few months our date nights have been few and far between due to vacationing, selling our old home and buying a new one. But we need to get back into our routine of date nights again because I really do like this guy and want to spend time with him whenever I can,

I love you Jesse Robert Smith and thank you for the best 10 years together! I look so forward to what the next 10 will bring! Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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