Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day!!!!

Last night was our first night sleeping in our new home. YAY!!!! But before I get to that let me talk about last night.
We spent the evening with Jesse's family because today he had to work the last shift of his Go-Around. So we wanted to spend some time with his mom. The whole family went out for Sushi to Heidi's favorite restaurant. And then we all gathered at their home and played games. Uncle Christian was in town so his daughter KayTee and her husband Kendall also joined us for the celebrations. We had such a good time. Spending time with the Smith's is always so enjoyable. I'm so blessed to have married into such a wonderful family.
After we left the party, we headed to my parents home to gather up all our belongings and took them up to our house. Earlier that day Jesse and my brother Tyson were able to get our mattress up to the new home as well. So we just had to get our clothes and toiletries.
The boys were sound asleep in the truck while we gathered and cleaned things up. Then we headed home. The boys mattresses are just in the office still so we just laid the mattresses on the ground and they slept next to each other with boxes surrounding them. Haha. (It's going to be nice to get things more settled).
I was about to get ready for bed when Jesse informed me that the water was turned off because he needed to fix a valve for the washer. So he spent the next 2 hours trying to get the soldering done so it wouldn't leak. I fell asleep around midnight and around 1:00am he woke me up to tell me he wasn't having much luck. But it was good enough to be able to turn the water on so we could get ready for bed and shower. Then we turned the water back off. Thankfully he'll be home tomorrow for the next 6 days and he'll get it all squared away.
We fell asleep and Jesse had to leave for work at 7am. He kissed me goodbye and I laid there just thinking. I was feeling so grateful so my wonderful husband and especially on this Mother's Day for my 2 Moms in my life. I truly am blessed. After texting a few messages to those that I love I fell back asleep until 9ish. The boys were hungry and I got up and made them breakfast.
After hanging out for a little while Ryker gave me two of gifts to me that he made in school. The first one was a flower bouquet. As I unwrapped it he had written me sweet notes in Spanish and in English.
"To Mom"... "You are Best in the World"... and "Love you with all my heart" .
 His next gift I unwrapped and found a picture magnet of him on it with a reason why he loves me. "I'm so glad that you are in my family."
Then another sweet note inside that put me in tears.

"Dear Mom, I'm so so glad you are in my family! You are the nicest person in the holl wide world. Happy mothers day. :) Love Ryker"

It's so simple, but the words touched my heart. I felt his love and his sweetness. He's so dear to my heart and am so grateful to have him as my son. I have a feeling this is just the beginning of many sweet notes from him.

Being a mother truly is the greatest calling a woman could have. Yes it is hard at times, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Because it's so hard at times it makes it the most rewarding! Life really is GOOD! I have a wonderful husband and 2 (almost 3) wonderful boys who love and cherish me. And for that I am grateful.

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