Sunday, November 9, 2014

The drive....

We have been home for two weeks now and it seems like I need about that much time to get all caught up with life. My work was really busy and I worked extra hours to make up for being gone for a week. So putting more hours in at work means I had less time at home to catch up. Thankfully Jesse was home and was willing and able to do some laundry, dishes, keeping the house picked up, picking the boys up from school and helping them with their homework. He is the best at being Mr. Mom. It makes my load feel a lot lighter when I he helps me with my Mom duties. I love that he has my back. We really make a great team. I love him for it.
So now that I have some time to sit down and update October, I shall take advantage.
For months now we've had this family vacation to San Diego, CA planned. We thought since Jesse and I had a vacation alone (Feb), that we wanted to plan one with the boys. We had thoughts of inviting another couple family that we could spend the week together and share a condo. But without fail all the families we thought we could travel with either had new jobs, new babes being born or already had a vacation planned.  So that plan didn't work out. But that's ok. 

Part of Jesse's job is required to take one of his "go-arounds" off. Which then combines his four day break, six day break and his go around off. Totaling up to be 17 days off. Then he took an extra vacation day, making it another two full days off. So he doesn't have to work for 19 straight days and he'll still get paid. Pretty cool huh? 

Saturday morning(10/18) we  started out our drive as soon as Jesse came home from his 24 hour shift. Thankfully his shifts were in Eden so he was able to sleep through the night. 
A 12 hour drive is no joke. But thankfully these boys handled it very well. Cy only had two melt downs and the rest of the time they both were laughing, snacking, watching movies, napping and just were champs.
When we finally arrived to our condo, we all unloaded the truck of our luggage. Then, feeling restless from sitting all day, we decided to go for a walk on the beach.  Since our condo is right on Imperial Beach, this was a pleasant way to end our evening.

The second we stepped foot on the sand, the boys went wild. They were acting like they hadn't ever seen or touched sand before. They were crawling through it like little puppy dogs. It was making me laugh. They had so much energy that they were jumping around, kicking over sand castles that were built from that day. Well one of the "sand castles" turned out to be a big rock. It was shadowed just right that Ryker thought it was a big sand castle. But he ended up scraping up his knee. The thing with Ryker is that he gets kind of dramatic when he sees any sight of blood. And this was no exception. He was crying and limping around the remainder of our night beach walk.
After our walk we were all excited to go to bed.

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