Monday, October 13, 2014

Cy Says....

Cy is in that stage where he says the darndest things. I try to keep an ongoing list in my head or phone to remember them until I can record them.

A few of our favorites....

-We've noticed he struggles saying his "th" sounds. It's replaced with a "ff" sound. For example: "flumb" (thumb), "earf" (earth), "bowf" (both). It's really cute when he says something like " They're bowf da same". Jesse's favorite  is "flumb". He's always trying to get Cy to say it.

-Back in August I got this text message from Jesse...."I had a green cup and Cy went and got a cup that was smaller but the same color and he came over by me and said "it's the same! Because we're buddies!" :-D I said yep we are buddies. About ten minutes later he looked at me and said " I'm glad we're buddies" :-) It was cute.

-A week ago, Cy and I were running errands together while Ryker was at school and Jesse was working. We both got out of the truck and Cy opened his door too wide. It was opened up so his little fingers were smashed between the car we were parked next to and his door. I see these little fingers poking out and hurry to help him.  He's crying, so I pick him up to comfort him and through his tears he says "Thats cars bits me."

-Today Cyrus was on his third melt down because I wouldn't let him watch a movie. And reason for that was because the first two melt downs were in the middle of the grocery store isle. :-\ Not cool. No way was he getting rewarded with media time after acting that way in the store. So while he was throwing his third fit at home I just ignored him. He  went at it for about ten minutes while I ate my lunch. So I just let him cry it out. He eventually went outside in the backyard still crying. I went outside to bring the groceries in, and I heard the gate to the backyard open and shut. It was Cy. He had stopped crying and came up to me and said with all of the sincerity he had in him "Mom, I'm sorry, I'm sorry".  My heart was melted. So I knelt down and gave him a hug. I was so impressed he would come to me and apologize. Then these words came from his mouth..."Can I watch a movie now?" Haha, seriously? Where did this kid come from? How can a 3 1/2 year old know how to be that manipulative?

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