Monday, August 22, 2016

We are Reaping

The garden has recently exploded. Well half of it has. The tomatoes are really not ripening, but the Zucchini and cucumbers have been coming non stop. Which is so great. I get quite giddy when I ca go out there and pick all the veggies for dinner.  Corn on the cob, Broccolli, zucchini, cucumbers and we have picked like 3 Zebra tomatoes. 

Here were those Zebra tomatoes that we picked. The Orange tomato was from Heidi's garden. So yummy!

And then to turn it into a Caprese Salad.... Heaven. Cant get enough of it.

Such a beautiful sight seeing all that corn on the stalks. I love it.
When the Broccoli started coming on it was so fun to see how it grew.
What a rewarding view. This time last year it was weeds and grass. Now it's producing food for us. Heck ya.
The flowers I planted around the creek are doing really well too. Love it.
Loving these purple flowers.

Jesse will love to read this because he loves to hear it. But I'm so glad that he toot the initiative and got this garden and pond/creek started. Once he got things cleaned up then I started to see the vision and I got invested. So then we could work on it together. It's been hard work but it's been worth it.

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