Thursday, August 4, 2016

11 months old

Oh my goodness, we are so close to the year mark it is so weird. Just looking back at where we were a year ago from now I was anxiously waiting for Fynn to arrive. Thinking I only had a week left. But I had no idea I still had 2 1/2 left. But this baby was so worth the extra wait. 
This past weekend thought Fynn has been so miserably sick. Saturday he woke up from a nap with tons of goop in his eyes. My first thought was he had pink eye or something. But the whites of his eyes weren't red or pink. So I wasn't sure.
Sunday night Jesse got called into an OT shift and I was left to take care of the boys alone. No biggie. But I didn't know what was ahead of me that night. The whole day Fynn just wouldn't take a nap. He just screamed every time I put him in bed. But when it finally came time to go to bed at night I just had to let him cry. But then I kept hearing him every half hour from 8:30 until 11:30pm. So I finally thought maybe he would sleep better next to me. But that wasn't the case. He wouldn't sit still in my bed.

So I tried going to the rocking chair. There were moments that he would calm down and almost fall asleep but then something would wake him up. And he would just cry and cry. I had the toughest time trying to console him.

I went into the kitchen for something and he saw a wisk on the counter and once it was in his hands he calmed down. Haha.

So we headed back up to the rocking chair. We sat there for, who knows how long. I was starting to get tired and thought maybe we could try the couch.

So the 2 of us kinda snuggled on the couch watching a movie while he played with his wisk. And climbed all over me. I could tell he just had a hard time getting settled. He wanted up, down back and forth. Nothing settled for him.

Finally around 2:30am I gave him 2 bottles and he started to finally act sleepy. That when I decided to put him back in his bed. And he FINALLY fell asleep.
When the sun came up I called the Pediatrician's office and made an appointment for Dr. Sabey to look at him. And sure enough he had an ear infection. Which explains so much. He was put on a very strong dose of antibiotics. His eyes were still gooping and it was because of the infection. Poor thing.
He's been on the antibiotics for a few days and hes much happier. I love being able to see that big smile again.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures of him from the past month.
July 11
July 26th
After I took this photo I couldn't stop staring at it for 3 reasons.
1. Fynn's smile is just pure joy
2. Cy is browner than he's ever been, I swear.
3. The love in this picture is just making my heart swell.
Fynn has no idea how much love everyone has for him. And it's because of the kinda of personality he has. He's so easy to love.
We just love this baby so much. I still can't believe that I just never wanted another one baby. Now I can't imagine our family life without him. The mother's heart is very interesting how it manages to make room to love another child just as much as the other 2 boys.

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