Monday, September 8, 2014

Goodbye Grandma Mickey

Grandma Mickey was relieved from her suffering frail body on Tuesday afternoon (9/2/14). We all felt sad yet happy for her at the same time. A blessing that comes with the knowledge of the gospel is we know that she most certainly is in a better place. That gives us comfort during our loss. And thank heavens for that.
Her funeral was this last Saturday (9/6). Jesse was scheduled to work, but called his Chief and found out he was aloud to take some grieving time off. So he was able to take the first half of his shift off.
My clients were all very understanding when I had to reschedule them all. So I too was able to attend the funeral. I'm so glad that I was able to be there. It was such a tender meeting. I feel like everyone who spoke honored her and gave such good memories of her. It was all very touching.
Before the funeral service started, they had the family prayer. And everyone who wanted to could give their last goodbyes before the closed the casket. At that moment, my father in law (Mike) and all three of his siblings went up together and gathered around Grandma Mickey. I hurried and snapped a picture of them around the casket because I thought it was such a tender moment. 
 The funeral was held at Mickey's ward house in Sugarhouse. Then we all drove up to Brigham City to attend the Grave Side Service.
 Jesse was honored to be a Pallbearer. Along with 7 other of Grandma Mickey's grandsons (Mason Smith, Brady Smith, Drew Smith, Tyson Smith, Andrew Smith, David Record and Jeffery Olson). The moment that they each took off their boutonniere and placed it neatly upon the casket was another tender moment for me.
 I already knew that I am so lucky to have married into the Smith Family, but it was evident on this day that the reason why the Smith family was so great because of Grandma Mickey raising her kids to be such good people. I am forever grateful to her and for her amazing example of love, service and selflessness.
Grandpa Bill died 20 years ago, so I never had the chance to meet him. But one of the tender mercies that I learned about all this was that Grandma passed away on their anniversary date. What a sweet reunion they must have had on their anniversary.

We will miss you Grandma Mickey! Love you!

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