Tuesday, March 5, 2013

2 Year Check-Up

This morning Cy had his 2 year check up with Dr. Reese. While we were waiting for him to come into the exam room the boys were playing around. I had to chuckle a little when Cy was licking the stick. It looked like he was trying to do what the doctor does to him to check his mouth. 
 Haha and Ryker couldn't help but make goofy faces. Such a cute weirdo.
 I had to get a squeeze from my 2 year old. Can't believe how grown up he is.
When Dr Reese came in to check out Cy, he had a student with him. She must have been there for a job shadow sort of thing. When it came time to look at him, Dr Reese was in a way warning me that 2 year olds weren't always fond of him. But Cy didn't mind him one bit. Just simply stared Dr Reese down the whole time and doing everything asked of him. Dr Reese and the Student were very impressed how well Cy was doing. Which I guess made me happy to hear. He does well with people and likes to stare people down at first meeting them. So this all seemed normal for Cy.

Dr. Reese said everything looks good and Cy is developing well. This time around Cy didn't need any vaccinations so we were in and out of there in a half hour. Quickest appointment yet. Yay!
A few tid-bits about Cy at 2 years old:
-Weight: 28lb (51%)
-Height: 35in (75%)
-Head Circ: 50 cm (83%)
-He stands with his hands behind his back quite often...

 ... even while waiting for popcorn to be popped in the microwave. As a matter of fact, on our trip to San Diego, Aunt Mel was talking with Christian and Heidi about their dad. The late Robert Bohm. Apparently Bob used to stand like that all the time as well. Is it really possible that that trait could be passed down to Cy? I find it very interesting.
 -Cy just LOVES popcorn. For awhile there that was all he wanted to eat. I had to stop buying it. So now he just has it on special occasions. Like a movie night with Ryker and me.
-Likes to stack things. One occasion I had bought some diapers from Costco and there are quite a few in the box. Ryker opened the box and the two of them spent a good hour playing with the diapers. In the end they built a little fort under the desk for them and Cy's toy kitty. Haha. Another example how boys use their imaginations with something besides toys.
 -He's getting pretty good with a writing utensil. I love looking at his face while he's doing it. You can see the concentration in his lips... Much like his Daddy. Haha.
- His speech in the last few weeks has just exploded. I swear everyday he says something new. All before that he was always so quite and observant. So it's fun to see him more vocal and expressing himself.

-All of the sign language that he used to use doesn't really come into play as much as it used to. The one sign he still uses though, is please. He won't even say the word please. Just signs it every time. Cute huh? Occasionally he'll together sign and say "All Done" or "More".

-He has become a little parrot. Almost anything you ask him to say he'll repeat. Jesse's favorite thing he likes to get Cy to say is to say "Cy can you say I?"....
Cy says "I"....
Jesse: "Love?"
Cy: "Luh"
Jesse: "You!"
Cy: "YOU!" very excited high pitched voice and usually a giggle on the end of it.

-Starting to put a few words together. Like "Hi, Daddy!" or today in the doctor's exam room Cy pointed to the Chair and said to me "Tair...Sit"

-A few of our favorite words he says (I wish I could explain how he says such words because they are too cute with his sweet voice. The best I can do is spell them out in the way that he says them):
"-ank You"
"-eady, seT, GO"
"Ticken" or "Dicken" (Chicken)
"Too-too-tain" (Choo Choo Train)
"Mealk" (Milk)
"Happy BirDay"
"Banky" (Blanky/Blanket)
"Morn" (More)

-People's names he'll say
"-antel" (Chantel)
"Gam-po" (Grandpa)
"Rrr-ocker" (Ryker)
"Pawker"...he sounds British when he says it haha (Parker, my friend Harmoni's son who has babysat the boys a few times)
"Derling" (his cousin, Sterling)
"Manna" (Manda)
"Owmaly" (Emily)
"Ann-Do" (Andrew)

-One thing that we love, is he is willing to give you or someone else a hug (a short squeeze is all he'll give, but we'll take whatever we can get).

-The best is when we get a sweet kiss from him. And he won't settle for anything less than the lips. Sometimes you make be the lucky one who gets some runny nose with that as well, or a bit of a cough.

- He has named these two stuffed animals. The Bunny is "Guy" and the puppy is "Puppy". I can't pinpoint exactly when he first started calling the Bunny, Guy. It just some how came about. I think it's sweet.

Those are only a few examples of things that Cy does. He's such a happy sweet boy that will brighten any body's day. The stage that he is in right now is probably my favorite. Even though he is crazy and will just run down the middle of our street when my back is turned, giggling the whole way (scares me to death)... His ever-so-sweet smile makes up for all that.

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