Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 5: Tide Pools/ Birch Aquarium (Mon)

Uncle Christian, Aunt Mel and Heidi thought it would be fun to go to the tide pools at low tide. Aunt Mel suggested Ocean's Beach. Since the rest of us didn't know enough to have an opinion we all went to Ocean's Beach.

 The boys were really into it. I wish there was more creatures to be seen, but we didn't see much. But they still had fun searching.
 We walked to the end of the pier and had lunch at the Cafe there. On the pier it was really windy so it felt really cold.
 After lunch Aunt Mel took Christian to the airport while Heidi and me (when I say me I mean the Boys and I) went to the Birch Aquarium. Aunt Mel met up with us.
 After being at Sea World only a few days before, this aquarium wasn't all to impressive. But that didn't matter to the boys. They love it all.
 Ryker kept running off with his "new friend", so Cy and I got a picture together. Ryker is most certainly my social butterfly. Anywhere we go he makes friends. No matter what the age. I think it's a great characteristic and I hope he will keep it the rest of his life. Because that will be a great tool in later years.
 The aquarium did have a really cool touching tide pool. The boys got to get their tide pool experience.
 Cy mostly like to stick his hands in. I seriously wonder if he's thinking "How wet can I get?" The whole front of his was soaked. We had to take his hoodie off and he wore my cardigan around. Oh ya. Lookin' Good. haha

Ryker loved the anemones. He thought it was cool that when you touched them they would close up.
After that we said goodbye to Aunt Mel and thanked her for everything she did for us.

Before we (Heidi, Ryker, Cy and I) got back to the hotel we grabbed a bit to eat.  When we got back to the room we packed everything up so we could be ready to leave in the morning. I think it was 7pm when we got the boys in bed and by 8ish I was asleep as well. I couldn't believe how tired I was. It was good we got to bed so early because we were getting up pretty early and had a LONG drive ahead of us.

The trip was great. Every single day was simply perfect. It was the perfect dose of trip and sunshine that I needed right now in my life. I feel rejuvenated and refreshed.

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