Thursday, June 21, 2012

Two Wheels!

Jesse and I have been saying for awhile now that we need to get Ryker to ride his bike without his training wheels. Reason we've procrastinated this long is because our street doesn't have sidewalks and the street itself is really curved. So in order to ride he'd need to be right in the middle of the street. Not safe.

So last week Jesse took Ryker over to the church parking lot to work with him. Heidi and I were hanging out at the house with Cy. After about 10 minutes we decided to go over to the church and see how Ryker was coming along.

Surprise to us we pull into the parking lot and he's riding around like he'd been doing it for years. I could believe he caught on so fast. I still have vivid memories of the struggles of learning to ride a bike without training wheels. So it made me really proud of him for doing so great.

He needed a little push to get started because he couldn't quite get that part down. But the next day while he was at Grandma Heidi's house he practiced and now he can start and stop all by himself.

This kid is Awesome! There's nothing he can't do.

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