Sunday, March 29, 2020

Worldwide Fast and Zoom Birthday Party

3 days ago the Prophet gave an announcement to the whole entire church and the whole entire world to fast and pray for the spread of COVID-19 to curb. In his video he said this....

"As a physician and surgeon, I have great admiration for medical professionals, scientists, and all who are working around the clock to curb the spread of COVID-19. I am also a man of faith, and I know during these challenging times, we can be strengthened and lifted as we call upon God and His son Jesus Christ, the Master Healer. I invite you to join with me in a worldwide fast for all whose health permits to pray for relief from the physical, emotional and economic effects of this global pandemic. I invite members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints everywhere, along with our many friends, to fast and pray this Sunday, March 29. Let us unite our faith to plead for physical, spiritual, and other healing throughout the entire world. The Lord understands the feelings you are experiencing. He loves and cares for you, as I do, too."

Last night I talked to Ryker and Cyrus about the worldwide fast and told them that they didn't have to, but that it could be a good chance to be apart of the whole wide world fasting together. I told them they could fast their breakfast and then break it at lunch. So this morning when they woke up they both wanted to do it. I was really proud of them. We started off as a family (cuz without prayer, fasting is starvation).

They both did really well all morning. At noon I made pancakes and for some reason that's when Ryker lost his cool about it all. I didn't get it he had already done the hard part and he was about to eat and he was so grumpy. It took an hour before things were a little calmer and we could start church. With Jesse on duty today I knew I could possibly have my tolerance tested while I was fasting. It had been a long time since I have fasted because I just don't do well. But when the prophet tells you to fast, you fast.

We had a decent church. The boys did pretty good through it. Cy started to loose interest half way through the lesson and I had to really try had to stay patient and keep him engaged.

We finished and I decided that I was starting to feel like I was going to lose it. So I needed to take a walk. I left Ryker and Cy at home while Murphy and Fynn came with me. It was enjoyable ti get out and breath some fresh air.

Fynn brought his bike along. He still insists on riding his STRIDER bike. He is almost too big for it. But he's a champ on that bike.

We eventually made our way back home and we got caught in the rain/snow.

I made it back in time to make a little dinner before we had our  Smith Family Zoom Birthday Party scheduled for Cyrus and Tyson. With all the social distancing going on right now, we really cant gather anymore. So Zoom has been the saving grace the past few weeks for groups of people to get together via internet.

We each took our turn telling Cyrus and Tyson what we loved about them. And at the end we each had a cake of some sort to blow out a candle and had cake "together".

Today was good overall, but there was definitely an underlining layer of irritability with everyone today. Me included. I really wanted today to feel so spiritual and amazing. And I feel like a fell flat of that today. I swear when I'm trying so hard for it to happen is when it feels like it can't be. Maybe I just needed to have a better attitude today about it. I don't know. Just is a proof that the real-ness of this quarantine thing is an emotional ride. 

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