Monday, February 17, 2020

President's Day- Crystal Hot Springs

Jesse got home from work that morning and we were wondering if we should do something with the boys since they didn't have school. They were kinda onery, but Jesse was feeling like he wanted to go rejuvenate in the hot pools up at Crystal Hot Springs. So spontaneously we decided to trek our kids to Crystal Hot Springs in hopes it would cheer up our 3 grumpy boys. But it didn't really work. 

I think the whole way there they complained about being hungry or how much longer it would take to get there or they would bicker and fight about the dumbest stuff. Ugh.

Even while we were at the Hot Springs something was wrong. The pools were too hot, too cold, someone got scratched and so they were crying about it. They were hungry, but didn't want what we brought, they wanted the $4 corndogs and the $1.50 bag of chips. Out of principle I didn't want to spend that much money on garbage food. Jesse did buy ONE hotdog for them to share and boy that was like watching Hyenas fight for their turn at the carcass. And of course someone got a bigger bite than the other one, so "that's no fair!"
After a few hours I was done with the scene and just wanted to go home. So we did. $60 to get in, well spent. Ha!

But hey, they at least we tried and they gave me a smile for a picture and we got to relaxed from the mineral pools, so it's cool!

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