Saturday, February 8, 2020

12 YEARS OLD!?!?!

Can it really be possible that I am old enough to have a son be 12 years old? He's now at the age that he will always remember. This age is the time of life that I remember and are almost an essential part of who I am today. All these thoughts and feeling about it cause trepidation in me. I am excited and nervous about what the future will bring for this kid. It's weird. I think the nervousness comes from my own childhood and fear of anything bad happening to him or those teenage years being hard on me. lol. Now that we are knocking on the door of teenage-hood and Ryker has been showing signs of pre-puberty, we have had a few moments where we are butting heads more than normal. Ugh. Jesse tells me all the time to be patient. He reminds me that I'm a good mom and that Ryker is a good kid. So we are going to be just fine. 

I do look forward to the years ahead of us as well because he has such a big heart and I see so much potential in him that I am eager to see where like will take him. He's constantly impressing me with his personality and his outlook on life. He loves his family, friends, scriptures, the gospel of Jesus Christ and holding the Aaronic Priesthood now. He's fulfilling his priesthood duties so far incredibly well. I watch him encourage the other deacons in his quorum, befriending everyone around him, and bearing his testimony pretty often in Fast and Testimony Meeting. He's a pretty incredible kid. Where would we be without him? Honestly, I feel so proud of him and think the world of him! I love him so much!

For his birthday we thought it would be perfect to go sledding since we got  SO MUCH snow on Monday. But by Saturday it had almost all melted and what was left was really slushy. But the kiddos were all really excited about it still. 
Check out how long his hair is. It is the longest it has ever been his whole life. He likes it clean cut, but he is playing Aladdin in his school play at the end of the month and the director asked him to grow his hair out for it. So he is. It's been driving him crazy but I am kinda diggin' his wavy curls.

After the kids were done sledding we came back to our house for Hot Chocolate and Donuts while warming up to our wood burning fireplace. Ryker opened gifts and we all played the Noun Game until the kids parents came to pick them up. 
Ryker requested going to dinner with Jesse and I. How can I say no to that? I will soak up every moment I can that he WANTS to be with his parents.
He requested the Tepanyaki Grill Experience. 

Free Birthday Dessert! 

I was giggling when I saw him do this with his chopsticks because it reminded me of a picture of him from 4 years ago....

... with carrots.  Haha. 

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