Friday, March 3, 2017

18 months old

This baby boy of mine has transitioned into a little boy now. My heart kinda breaks every time a milestone is passed with him. Is it because he's my last and its sad to think that I wont get to experience those milestones again? It's tough to know. 

I've said this from the day he was born that Fynn is suck a joy to have in our family. So many times we all laugh so hard at what he does. It's moments like those that I wish I could bottle them up and experience them over and over again. 

As you may tell from this picture is that he is a BIG lover of his blanket, binki and elephant. Now that he's 18 months old I really have been trying to be more strict with it only being in the crib for naps and bedtime. But it's really hard. I see how the youngest get away with more because I find myself giving in to him way more than I did with his older 2 brothers, If he wasn't so darn cute I think it would be easier. 
I found him like this the other day and got a kick out of him pretending to play the piano. He seee Ryker doing it, so why can't he do it? Right? You can tell he's so proud of himself too.
Like I said earlier, he's always making us laugh. I've caught him a few times now walking around the house with one q-tip in his ear. He had gotten into my bathroom drawer and came out looking like this. I sent this picture to Jesse because I thought it was so funny!
I get a kick out of him when he puts Jesse's hat on and walks around like he is big stuff. He's funny because it seems like he knows when he is being cute.
Along with how freaking adorable he is, comes the "busy" stage. It's quite incredible how quickly he can create such a mess around the house. He is in need of constant watch. I turn my head for 0.5 seconds to grab something and he's into something. Like the fridge or the cupboards or the drawers... emptying all of the contents. This is another perfect example... Getting into the dishwasher to "help" me put the clean dishes away.
Lately he has become quite the little Daddy's Boy. I can't decide yet if I like it or am just jealous. Both actually. I love seeing Fynn all snuggled up to Jesse. Anytime Jesse happens to be on the floor, Fynn will run over to him and back into him until he's cozy up in Jesse's business. Haha. But he really does love his dad and it really is so sweet. I know Jesse loves it but doesn't dare say anything to the woman who carried, birthed and nursed Fynn.
He's such a little mimicker too. A few weeks ago when Jesse started to build a mantle around our fireplace Fynn kept grabbing the drill and hammer when Jesse wasn't using them. He'd go right over to the wood and do exactly what Jesse was doing. It was so cute.
More things about Fynn's current stage:
-Signs "more", "please" and the occasional "thank you", "drink" and "milk".
-Gives high fives and bones. And he'll do it to just about anyone. My favorite is when he gives bones to the guys at the gym.
-Goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes up around 7:00
-Takes 2 naps a day. Mostly.
-Smarter than his own good. Especially with electronics. He knows that to take a selfie on my phone you put your hand up and it'll take the picture.
-Says..."Hhhhhhotttt", "Daddy","Mommy"  "Mama", "Papa" "Baaa"(for ball) and lots of gyberish
-So fast where ever he goes.
-Climbing is a new thing.
-Gets into the boys toothpaste.
-No longer plays in the toilets, but he gets into other things that cause messes.
-Has sensitive skin right now. I think it's eczema. His belly and back get irritated really easy.
-Loves popcorn.
-Every day at the gym either coming or going he has to swing this one pound kettle bell Neil (the gym owner) has at the front desk.
-Pretends to jump rope.
-He's at the gym with me everyday and he watches everything that we do, so sometimes he'll play with the equipment. Jesse and I just laugh as we watch him try to pick up a Bar Bell. Or pull on the bands. Or play with the jump ropes.

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