Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween 2015

This year for Halloween I didn't have the motivation or the time to make Halloween costumes so I bought and borrowed this year. Sometimes you have to just simplify! Between Amazon and Etsy I found what I needed and the rest I borrowed from my cousin. But I think they turned out so great! Especially baby Yoda! When I saw those on Etsy I just had to buy them.
Obviously this year we went with the Star Wars Family theme. It was so much fun. While I was on Maternity leave we watched the Star Wars movies with the boys and they just loved them. So we decided to go with that as our theme. Cy wanted to be "Dark Vader". But he said that he wanted to be a good "Dark Vader". haha 
They are beyond thrilled to have Light-Sabors(Cy calls them "light savers" haha)

Wed (10/28) night our ward had a trunk or treat in the church parking lot at 5:30. I didn't get home until 5:40. But Jesse had warmed up the Lasagna Soup that I had made the night before and we all ate and then headed over there. Heidi had come up because she wanted to see us all dressed up.

I actually had to feed Fynnick after I ate dinner. Then I got in my costume and him in his costume just in time for the party to be over. Haha. I made it to the last 10 minutes of it as people were cleaning up. Haha. Oh well. It made for a good picture.
Yesterday being Halloween and a Saturday I took the day off to spend with the boys. Jesse couldn't be with us because he had class. So I took the boys down the this Ranch in NSL that a client of mine had told me about. It was actually a lot of fun. It was called Cross E Ranch.
My friend Amber from work joined me with her 3 kiddos as well. Her husband was doing a side job so we thought we should hang out.

The ranch had all sorts of fun stuff for the kids. Face painting, balloon animals, hay ride, witches brew, kiddie moral, and a hay Maze.

It was all really well done. The hay maze actually got the 2 adults all turned around and couldn't figure it out. Some random girl ended up helping us find the exit,
 An attempt at a picture with all 6 munchkins together. (Cy, Ryker holding Fynn, Mace holding Layne and Hayley)
 The Kiddie Moral area had a pit full of dried corn kernels that the boys were playing in like they were in a sand box. They loved it. If we had the time they could have spent all afternoon just burying themselves in it. And I loved it because they don't end up with "sand" all over their clothes and track it into the truck. It's a win-win.
 Me and my boys. So blessed. It was such a beautiful day too.
After we got home I fed Fynn and got him in his costume. But before that I had to take a picture of him in his onesie that Heidi gave him that says "Barf Vader" on it. And then I put the Yoda hat and booties on him and I just couldn't stop giggling at how cute he was. haha
Then I had to get a picture of the three of them all together. Little cuties. I can't get enough of them. How can you not say these three are not the cutest?

 We went trick or treating around a neighborhood just below Bountiful Blvd. And these people know how to hand out the good candy. They go all out. Reason we went up there was because Jesse's friend Kris invited us to visit a family friend of his that just have her garage lined with tables and chairs and every kind of candy you can think of for the kids to fill their bags full of. That was our first stop and we had to empty their bags to make more room for the rest of the neighborhood.

I had to get a picture of Hon Solo and Princess Leia
 Cute little Yoda tagging along in the stroller. haha

After we got our feel of trick or treating we went and hung out at Kris's parents house for the remainder of the evening.
It was fun to change things up this year for Halloween. The kids really enjoyed going from door o door. They hadn't experienced that yet because we usually go to Mike and Heidi's ward.
Another great Halloween for the books. 

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