Monday, September 7, 2015

Emotional Decision

I received a text from Sandea Tuesday morning asking me how I was doing and to tell me that I needed to go in to see her. She was asking me a few questions like if I wanted to go ahead with the induction scheduled for Thursday? Or to go in for more testing? I told her I wasn't sure what to do. So she suggested that I go into the office to see her Wed morning before she started to see her other patients.
I went in hoping that I had made some further progress because I had been having some contractions. But nothing consistent. I really just felt like I was having a heavy period. I met with Sandea and she checked my cervix. At first she said I was still at a 1. But then she said that she'd give me a 2. A very small 2. And there still wasn't any thinning.
Blah. 10 days past due and still nothing. As we sat and talked about what our game plan should be, we ultimately decided that we should go ahead with the induction Thursday morning. Sandea reassured me that everything would be ok and that I was at a point that would be good to induce.
I left the office super emotional. I called Jesse and just burst into tears. I just was feeling so sad that it had to come to this point. Not only had I waited so patiently for him to come and now I was having to be induced. Which is something that I just am against. And here I am going through with it. Also another thing was Thursday (9/3) is my nephew, Sterling's birthday. And I just struggled with the idea of them sharing the same birthday, Especially since I was choosing to make it happen that way.
When I got home, Jesse was home from work and he was able to calm me and help me see the good in all this. He reminded me that I had had a healthy pregnancy and the baby was healthy. Also that back in the day Mother's and baby's would and could die because of overdue babies. And that with overdue babies there can be a lot more complications during labor. So with all that in mind it helped settle my soul. That's one of the things that I just love about Jesse, he always has words of wisdom to share and he knows how to make someone feel at ease.
Well for the rest of the day we went boating with my family. Why not right? I had nothing else to do and I hadn't been able to go all summer with them. So why not go when I'm 10 days over due? Haha.
My parents had picked up Cy for me that morning before I left to see Sandea, so after Jesse and I talked things out we drove up to the lake to meet my family up there.    
 Even though I couldn't participate (mainly because I couldn't fit a large life jacket around me haha) I still had so much fun just being in the sun with my family. And besides it was the perfect distraction that I needed to keep my mind off of everything.

 Cute brave little Cy wanted to go knee boarding. He gets out there without hesitation. Jesse would go out there to get him started but once the boat started going Jesse let's go and Cy goes by himself. My dad drives the boat around in a circle so we can stay close to Jesse. I loved watching Cy out there just loving it. Smiling ear to ear and waving at us.

And of course, can't go without tube time.

Jesse left earlier than the rest of us so that he could go pick up Riker from school. He met up with us later to pick us up and help put the boat away.

By this point I wasn't feeling so good. I was feeling like I was having major period cramps and had a few contractions here and there. So I was hoping it was the start of something,

We went home that night and I was having contractions every 4-5 minutes. But as the night went on, the spread apart to 7-8 minutes and eventually 11-13 minutes apart. To the point that I was falling asleep. I thought maybe I could go into labor that night. But nope.

I didn't even get a good night's sleep even because I would have a contraction and it would wake me up about every hour. And I couldn't even get comfortable. I ended up sleeping on the couch because I didn't want to keep Jesse up.

Around 6am I called the hospital to find out what time they wanted me there for induction. They told me 7am. So I called Heidi and she came out to take care of the boys.

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