Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It's Beginning to Look A lot Like Christmas

I spent the day yesterday cleaning and straightening up the house in preparation for Christmas decorations. I originally told Ryker that we could put the tree up on Sunday, but that didn't happen. So when I picked Ryker up from school yesterday he was eager to decorate. He wasn't thrilled with the idea that he had to do his homework first. But while he did that I was able to finish up my cleaning. 

Then it was time to get the Christmas boxes out. And man were they excited. Haha. I guess that is what makes the Christmas season so fun. The kids get so excited about it that it makes it more magical. 

I let them put 90% of the ornaments on the tree. The majority of them are on the bottom half of the tree and near the front. There is no rhyme or reason to our Christmas tree, but that's alright with me. I get a bigger kick out of watching them decorate.    

Then last night we had some friends (Hutchings and the Bements) over for dinner and a Christmas FHE. I had thoughts about doing a Nativity lesson to kick of the Christmas season. When I told this to Candice Bement she mentioned that her Aunt had dress up clothes that she would bring. And I'm so glad that she did because the kids were giddy about it.
There was a point that while I was reading the story, all of the kids were gathered around me. Listening so intently. It was the quietest they had been all night. I loved that they were loving it. It made for a special moment.

I have a goal this December to try and have a more Christ Centered Christmas this year. Being a mother I get so wrapped up in who I need to buy gifts for and to make sure they are meaningful and thoughtful gifts. That it's easy to forget really why we are celebrating this Holiday. It's not about the packages and bows... it's about Christ! He is the Gift that God gave the world. It's an infinite gift. A gift that keeps giving. A gift that we can all have and share with each other.

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