Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cy's Three Years! (Mar 3)

I know I just started telling our vacation, but I think I should get Cy's Birthday Celebration recorded. The day after we got home was Cy's birthday and Jesse had to work and the following Sunday he had to work too. So I my only choice was to have his party on a Tuesday night (Mar 4) when Jesse would be home. Unfortunately the Smith side of the family couldn't make it. So there was just an handful of family members that could make it from my side.
Being in vacation mode I wanted to make things simple. I usually like to make a cake, but I decided to order one from Parsen's  Bakery and to hold a dinner at Pei Wei. 

This made me laugh. He LOVES rice so much and watching him pour on his own soy sauce made him seem so big.

After dinner we all headed back to our place to open gifts and eat cake and ice cream. Cy was enjoying being the center of attention. He's so handsome.
 Opening his presents.
 Our family reunited after mine and Jesse's vacation. Ya know, that vacation was something Jesse and I really needed. Coming home to these sweet boys is the best welcoming gift. I love that moment right when we get home where they are beyond good because of how much they missed us. I wish I could bottle up that moment and give them a dose when they are having rough days.
 I took Cy with me when I went to Parsen's Bakery so he could pick out the decorations for his cake. And he picked a firefighter theme. How fitting.
 He loves chocolate everything. So of course we went with a chocolate cake with chocolate filling. Can you tell that he is enjoying his birthday cake?
I love this little dude so much. There are many times he makes me feel completely melted by his sweetness, then with the flip of a hat he makes me want to pull my hair out. I know the age of 2 can cause a lot of mischief, but I think he has some mischief in his personality. So I am hoping the age of 3 will be better for all of us.

I want to share a some facts and stories about Cy.

-Weight: 33lbs (65%)
-Height: 37 1/2 inches (53%)
-Blood Pressure: 98/56
-He has a favorite blanket with a special corner that I still haven't figured out which one it is. Each night for bed I have to give him all four corners for him to feel and see if it's the right one.
-He loves Salmon (Crazy huh?)
-Loves chocolate milk (anything chocolate he calls chocolate milk)
-When he gets frustrated with something he throws his food/utensils on the floor.
-The past few weeks he has really struggled going #2 in the toilet. So we have had several occasions of cleaning up his soiled underwear. One time he went on the carpet in his bedroom. I found him in there with it smeared everywhere. On the blocks, blankets his dump truck. GROSS!!!!
-He loves to play "Hi". He'll say to me "Hi mom" then I say "Hi Cy" over and over and over. It's funny.
-I love when he randomly gives me hugs. They don't happen very often but when I do get them he really means it and they are tight ones.
-For a few months he's been sleeping in his crib without the front bars on it. So it looks like a day bed. We really should set up a big boy bed for him, but I don't think his room will fit it very well. And I'm not ready for Ryker and Cy to share a room yet.
-Loves wearing his jammies. If I let him he's wear them all day long.
-Also he loves just hanging out in his underwear, even when the house is freezing cold. I have to force him to put clothes on, and then he's upset at me.
-He wants to do everything himself. Such as buckling his own carseat buckles, washing his own hands, mixing his own oatmeal, or climbing in and out of the truck.
-He LOVES oatmeal. He eats it almost every morning. But I have to make sure it's just right every time. He insists on bananas and raisons mixed in. And if it's the slightest bit warm he has a fit that it's "TOO HOT!" If he's extra hungry the fit turns into a full blown melt down.
-Him and his brother love each other so much and are the best of friends (and sometimes the worst of friends). But if there is a problem between the two of them, Cy is getting better about saying Sorry to Ryker.

To grateful to have Cyrus in our family. He keeps us all on our toes and leaves us with no dull moments. I may feel crazy with him at times, but I wouldn't change it for a second. Love him so much!

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