Monday, January 13, 2014

National EMS Test

I'm a little emotional writing about this because I can't believe we have come to this point.  Today Jesse went and took his National EMS test! It's strange to think that we started this long, rough and trying journey a year ago. But here we are. It feels almost like yesterday, yet at the same time, so long ago. So much happened that it seemed like two years should have gone by.

Today I was doing some small studying about Faith. And a thought struck me. What has Faith done for you in your life? And the answer is simple. Faith has given me strength to endure the hard and trying times of my life. Knowing there is a Father in Heaven watching out for me and my family is comforting. With that knowledge I feel like I could take on any hurdle he puts in my way. It may not be easy, but I will come out of it a stronger person.

Now, this last year was hard on me and the boys, but not nearly as rough as it was on Jesse. Words can't express the gratitude I have for his dedication. He suffered long and hard to get to this point. And the boys and I are so proud of him and we LOVE him for it.

Back to the test. Jesse is hesitant to let me write about this test because he doesn't know if he passed or not. Results won't be available for a few weeks by mail. But luckily he can look online tomorrow. So we anxiously wait.

The test is an adaptive test. It adjusts questions on how you are answering them. Also the amount of questions for every person that takes it is different. The max amount is 150. So the fewer questions you get, the better. Today Jesse finished at 80 questions. When he told me that he said that was a good sign. But he has heard of a guy failing at 70 questions and another guy passing at 150 questions. So it's unpredictable. But I'm pretty confident to say that I think he passed.

Only time will tell.
Until tomorrow.

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