Tuesday, December 31, 2013

This year's Analogy...

The other day I was thinking about how I feel behind on my blogging. December has felt the busiest month of this year. Which got me thinking about those coin funnels you see at Science Fair's or Kids Museums. You drop the coin into the starting slot and you start to watch it go around and around the funnel. It's slow at first, with long circular movements. But as it starts to get closer to the middle, that coins appears to speed up. As it nears the end of the funnel it is going so fast that it is now horizontal to the ground. It's still spinning faster and faster until... Plop, it falls through the hole and the show is over.

I feel like this is how our year has been. The start of the year, everything seemed slow and easy, but it just kept getting busier and harder. To the point I couldn't keep up any longer.

December has been a very Fun, Exciting and Busy Month. Between our Christmas Cruise we went on with my family, Christmas Celebrations and Working hard before and after our trip...I am so behind on blogging, house cleaning, laundry (still haven't unpacked completely) and eating clean.

We are so happy about the last year, but so looking forward to 2014. New Challenges, New Goals and a New Beginning.

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