Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Homeward Bound (Day 8)

Sunday Morning (Dec 15) we woke up super early to get off the ship to make it in time for our flight.  I have never seen so many people in line for the TSA security. And luckily for us we pretty much got to go to the front of the line in the family line. Thank you Cyrus for having a stroller.
Flying standby to Florida wasn't a big deal. Everything went smoothly. Going back home wasn't looking so lucky. Instead of flying from Ft. Lauderdale to New York we went from Ft Lauderdale to LAX. And then my mom said we would shuttle over to Long Beach and fly home to Salt Lake.
Well I guess the Long Beach to Salt Lake flight was looking bad. So Plan D was to fly to Vegas and then rent a car and drive home from there. UGH!!!!
This picture was taken I think on our shuttle ride from LAX to Long Beach. At this point they were exhausted but still had smiles on their faces. Little did they know how much further they had to go.
Good Old Long Beach Airport. I can't count the number of times I have been stuck there and total hours I have spent there.
On the plane to Vegas.
We are all faking our smiles at this point. We had been up since 5am Miami time (which is 3am Utah time) and we landed in Vegas around 9:00pm but still had a 6 hour drive ahead of us.
We rented two cars to make things more comfortable and bearable for everyone. Jesse and I drove in shifts. I would sleep for an hour or so while he drove and then we'd switch. Man I haven't felt that tired in a really long time. It was all I could do to stay awake. What a ROUGH ride home. I was super Jealous of the boys all cozy in the back seat sound asleep.

We pulled into our driveway around 3am. Which means it took us about 24hours to get home. That's the closest I have come to being awake for a full 24 hours. I couldn't do what Jesse does. I would be a zombie.

Jesse and I put the boys in bed then went to bed ourselves. We were praying they would sleep in. But they didn't. So we got up to feed them breakfast and put a show on for them so we could rest a little. When Ryker went into the living room to turn on the Xbox, I hear him ask me "Mom? Where is the Xbox?"

I'm thinking "That's silly, why would he say that?"

But when I walk into the living room and look where the Xbox should be... IT WAS GONE! So I asked Jesse "Did you lend the Xbox to somebody while we were gone?"

He said "No."

Then we text everybody that had access to our house to see if they knew anything about it.


The realization that it was stolen started to settle in. I still have a hard time believing it. We called the police and filed a report with them. The police officer asked for names and numbers of those who had access to our house. He also checked to see if it had been sold, but it hasn't.

Strangest thing about the whole thing is whoever stole the Xbox took 3 HDMI cables, only took 1 of our 2 controllers, left all the games and the Kinect Camera. Crazy Right? If you are going to take something, take it all. Doesn't make sense to only take part of it.

So we don't know if someone saw that we were gone and knew where the spare key was, or if a friend was with the select people that had access to our house. Either way it's gone. Sad Story.

I had Jesse change out the locks to our house to help me feel better. So Merry Christmas to us. New Locks! And Merry Christmas to whoever stole our Xbox.

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