Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Past Week

2013 has started us out a little rough for us. On New Years Day (Tuesday), Jesse and I were sick. I had a high fever, achy body, runny nose, coughing, chills, cold sweat feeling and etc. Jesse had a really bad sore throat with achy body as well. Needless to say we didn't move much from the couch.

By the end of the night I had to cancel my clients that were scheduled for Wednesday. I rarely like to do that, but there was no way I was working in the condition I was in.

Wednesday my fever got up to 103 degrees and wasn't showing any signs of breaking. While Jesse's throat wasn't feeling any better either so he decided to go to InstaCare. After being there for an hour and a half he was diagnosed with Strep Throat. Luckily for him antibiotics would help him feel better within a few days.

I guess I could say I had the flu? But a flu on drugs. It was relentless. Usually the flu lasts about 24 hours. But at this point I had had a fever for 3 days! Finally that night my fever broke and I started to feel better.

Still feeling really weak, I went to work Thursday and thankfully it was a slower day so I could ease myself back into it. I left feeling OK. Not 100%, but better than the last few days had been.

Friday I went to work, but had a busier day. I was feeling OK until about half way through my day when I got the achy body feeling again, along with the chills. Without a thermometer I couldn't know for sure, but I had a feeling my fever had returned. Ugh. I finished out my day then went straight home to bed. Thankfully Jesse picked up the boys for me and I was able to do that.

Honestly, 5 days into it and I get another fever. I think I did too much at work and my body was fighting back. It's amazing what your body will do to demand rest. Rest is what it got.

Once Jesse got home with the boys I asked him to give me a Priesthood Blessing. He called our Home Teacher and once he got here both of them gave me a blessing.

Yesterday I took the day off of work, but I was feeling leaps and bounds better. I owe it to that blessing. Now I'm just left with this stinky cough and congestion. But I can handle that.

Jesse and I are on the mend. Thankfully. It's been a long week.

During all this we have been praying that Ryker and Cyrus can stay healthy. Between Strep throat and killer flu bug our boys don't seem to stand the chance. But we keep the faith that they can stay healthy.

On a SUPER good note. This week Jesse received a phone call from South Salt Lake's Human Resource!!!! They called to OFFICIALLY MAKE HIM A JOB OFFER!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! Part Time!

He had to go down and do a drug test. There are 5 other guys who also will be getting a Part Time position. As soon as they all go in for their drug test and they all pass is when Jesse will start. So we aren't really certain of his OFFICIAL FIRST DAY, but it'll be soon.

We are Excited! Even though it is part time, we feel like it's a step in the right direction. He'll have his foot in the door and will have opportunity to grow. Between working Construction Full Time and School Full time I think Part time Firefighter is a perfect way to start out and keep things balanced.

Congrats Jesse! You are awesome!


Kels said...

Congrats to you both! That will be an amazing opportunity for you guys and Jesse will get to experience some really cool stuff! Glad you're both feeling better:)

Courtney M. Hutchings said...

Glad you're feeling better! I get a flu shot every year cause I had it ONCE in high school and it was a straight 7 days of awful-ness. I hope your boys stay healthy!
I'm so excited for you guys about Jesse's job! So great!