Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Just Friged

Since I last posted we have had quite the snow storm. It started on a Thursday night and didn't stop really until Saturday. It just kept coming down. I can't remember the last time we got that much snow. We got about a foot and a half in our yard. Can't imagine how much the mountains got. Man, if I was a skier I would be in hog heaven.

But since then the temperatures have been really low. The highs are in the teens. So in the morning it is almost torture to go out in it. One morning I was taking Ryker to preschool, and the temperature on my car said....

Can you believe that? FIVE DEGREES! It might as well be ZERO! Ugh! It's just crazy.

Every day since has been similarly cold. It certainly makes January a much harder month to endure. Walking outside for more than a minute freezes me to the core. I wish that it could be even just 30 degrees rather than 10 as the high. It's sad when 30 degrees sounds warm. I don't ever remember it being this cold for this long.

And because it is so cold, the snow from the storm isn't going anywhere.
Our poor chickens are snowed in. We have been so worried about them being out in this freezing weather. But so far they seem do be doing just fine. The egg laying has slowed down by half. Which is normal. Heat and light is what makes them lay. And, well, when there isn't much of either of those... it doesn't happen. In the summer we were getting 9 to 11 eggs a day. And lately it's been 3 to 5 (occasionally 7). It doesn't help that one of the chickens got sick back in December and she died. So now we are down to 10 hens.

It's funny how we have grown so fond of them (especially Ryker). Oh man, when we finally told him one of the chickens died, he just had a serious come apart. It was the saddest thing. Broke my heart.
 This picture doesn't really do justice on how much snow there is in the back yard. But there is ALOT!
I'm kinda ready for it to be summer already. haha. But it's only January. Got a few more cold months to endure.

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