Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Raging Waters

With the stress of our talks being over and it being Manda's last day we went to Raging Waters for the afternoon. We were there for only a few hours, but it was really fun to just hang out in the sun together. Of course the boys totally loved it.

I had a scary mom moment though. While we were sitting on our towels Cy sort of "borrowed" somebody's floaty thing. He was just walking around holding it. Well before we know it he walks up to the pool and throws it in....and went in after it.

I jumped up from my towel and booked it over to the pool and jumped in to save him. The poor little thing was SO scared. And I of course was feeling terrible (I probably shouldn't admit that this happened) but also felt relieved that I got him out fast.

He cried for awhile and then he'd stop and cry some more. It was like he was telling me how scared he was.

Once he calmed down he was happy as a clam.

Love my Sister Time and I love this girl. Thank Heavens for Sisters.

Cute Mama working on her tan. I love this lady! So blessed to have her in my life! 

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