Sunday, July 22, 2012


In the Spring I had mentioned to my Grandma Goodrich that it would be nice to have some raspberries in our yard. She told me that she'd be more than happy to take a few of her plants to transplant into our garden. Well when the time came to transplant them we didn't have the space. Also we had Henrietta the Hen at that time and the chicken coop wasn't finished. So if we did have the space for them, Henrietta would have eaten them anyway.

Out of the goodness of her heart she set aside a row just for me. And on the days she did the picking she brought them to me (I was able to help her on the morning of July 4th). I guess after a few pickings she had plenty of her own so she started giving me the entire picking from her huge patch. I was very grateful.

With that I made Freezer Jam. Mmmm mmm mm it is quite yummy. I made Raspberry, Blackberry (bought those berries at Costco) and Black and Raspberry Jam.

Once the apricots on my parents trees were ripe I went ahead and made more jam. Plus a bunch of leather (it's not all shown in this picture) and after all that I didn't want to do anymore so I just dried the rest of the apricots.

We have enough jam to last quite awhile. And I'm totally OK with that. I don't know what it is about homemade jam, but it is FAR better than store bought. Which I guess could be a bad thing because now I'm much more tempted to eat a piece of toast with butter and jam on it.

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