Tuesday, July 10, 2012


For Easter my Mom gave us the Pass of all Passes. It is an unlimited pass to places like Seven Peaks Water Park in SLC and Provo, Trafalga, Tracy Aviary, selected games to Bees Baseball games, Real Soccer and Blaze indoor Football. So this summer we have been trying to get our money's worth and go.

We have mostly attended Seven Peaks Water Park (formerly known as Raging Waters). The boys love love love it. Cy especially likes the wave pool. He just hangs out in the shallow end. It's funny because it's almost as if he forgets he can walk because he just crawls around in the water or just lays on his belly kicking his feet. It's a hoot.

Ryker goes out a bit farther and makes friends with anybody and jumps up and down in the waves. We have got to get these kids to the Real Ocean. They would just have a hay day.

 If there was anytime that we couldn't find Ryker all we had to do was look in the middle of bunch of kids and he was there. He is quite the social butterfly.

We just hung out by the side of the pool watching the boys. One would keep an eye on Ryker and the other on Cy. It's impossible to go to this place with two kids and one parent because the boys go in opposite directions. So we HAVE to have one adult (or more) for each boy. 

 I really liked this picture so I had to post it. Cy found my hat on the ground and put it on. The grin on his face just kills me. He looks so proud of himself.

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