Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cy's Favorites

Trying to record the little things about the boys whenever I get the chance. I know years down the road I won't remember small details.

Lately Cy has had this love for blankets. If there was one on the floor he'd sit on it...

 or lay on it and sigh when the blanket would touch his face...
 or he'd gesture to me to wrap it around him. And then he'd proceed to carry it around the house. Happy as a clam.
 I have found this just so amusing. Any blanket he say it would light up his day and he'd be so happy to have that blanket on him. As of recently we have noticed that he's started to single out a specific blanket.

The other day he came walking up to me like this (so I quickly took a picture with my phone).... I look at this picture and it just makes me smile. You can just tell that he LOVES this blanket.

It's funny how a blanket can bring such comfort and joy to a kid.

Last week I noticed Cy was really quiet and so I went into Ryker's room to find this...
Just relaxed and reading a book. This has happened on several occasions. He just enjoys lounging on Ryker's bed flipping through a book. I love it. I love him. Such a sweetheart. It's moments like these that I don't want to forget. And one day it'll be fun to see Cy grown up and seeing these things that he did. But for now I don't want to think about him being grown up. I like him right where he is now. Sweet and Small. 

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