Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Independence Day

Following our little tradition we first started last year. Jesse (pulling the boys) and I rode our bikes down Main Street into Centerville to watch the Parade. Last year we met up with my grandparents who have a relative who live right on Main. But with my grandparents out of town we were invited by my friend Harmoni to join her and her family. Her parents live on 1000 N (which is where the parade route starts). So they just walk up to the rode and watch it. So we met them there.

 I met Harmoni when she first came to the salon to work about 2 years ago. But a year ago we started exercising together in the mornings. Ever since then we have been inseparable. She a single mother of a 13 year old boy, Parker, and this year she is turning 40. So according to the books we shouldn't have that much in common or really get along. But we do. Really well. She's the long lost big sister that I never had and I'm the little sister she never had. So it's perfect.

Parker has been over to watch the boys a few times. It's been great. We have a babysitter other than our family members. He loves the boys and the boys love him. Recently Parker was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome. It's a disorder affecting the nervous system starving in his hands and feet and working its way to the center. Parker was in the hospital for 2 -3 weeks while they were helping him. He is in physical therapy to help get his movement back.

So during the parade me sat in his wheel chair with Cy. 

Love the troops.

Eager to gather some candy.
 It's cute to see the boys so into the parade. I mean that's really only the reason we go right?

After the parade was over we went to Harmoni's parents house for a bit. We had lunch, played games, and laughed. Around noon we left to get the boys home for naps.

Once naps were taken we all headed up to meet Jesse's family ih Park City. Jesse's Uncle Dave was staying up there and Uncle Dave had invited us all to come hang out at their condo. But first our little family went on a little bike ride. Nothing major. This time Ryker got to ride his bike with us. He did SO GOOD! Kept up with us the whole way. I kept having that proud mom moment watching him ride along side of us. I felt blown away that he was big enough and old enough to be doing it.

Half way through the bike ride we had a little KFC picnic. Haven't had KFC in a long time and it goes against all my healthy rules. But for a splurge I have to admit that I enjoyed every bite. haha

 Once we got back to the condo the boys went for a swim. I didn't bring my suit so I just watched and took pictures.

Around 8:30 we needed to get home and put the boys (mostly Cy) in bed before it got too late. We also wanted to do our own fireworks with Ryker. Park City had canceled their firework show due to all the wild fires that have been going on the past few weeks.

When we got home we saw our neighbors across the street were having a party. There were about thirty people on the front lawn getting ready to do their own fireworks. Jesse and I were feeling a little embarrassed over our little dinky fireworks. They had a whole bunch of the huge aerial ones and here we were with our sparklers and smoke bombs. haha.

They had rigged together 6 different tables with a bunch of fireworks on it. Each table had  fuse connecting it to the next one. So once they lit the fuse the whole thing went on it's own. Which was pretty cool.

By this time the boys had gone to bed because they were so tired. Ryker was TELLING us that he WANTED to go to bed. That NEVER happens. So Jesse and I were watching this GRAND finally inside by our big front window. When it reached the final table something happened to make one of the fireworks tip over. It was one that had a bunch of little holes in it and it was shooting small aerials. It was directed right at our house. Shooting one after another.

Dumbfounded we just kept watching. Finally a guy went over to try and tip it another directions, but that made them fly all over the place. So their group started to scatter. Jesse said he say one of the girls get hit in the face with one of them.  A few ricocheted off our window and several were hitting my car.

When the fireworks finally seized we saw half their group go running across the street into our neighbors yard. So we went outside to see what was going on. But I guess they were just checking if there were any fires started. They didn't need to run over all panicky like that. Gosh. It got me all worried that something had happened. But thank goodness it didn't.

That was our crazy, busy, fun-filled, exciting Independence Day! Looking forward to the next year.

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