Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wrapping up December

This December, like many others, it has been a busy one. Hence my excuse for having taken a big break in my posting. In order to pick up the slack, this is going to be a big fat post to wrap up December and our year.

December 5th (Monday): I had purchased a Groupon for the Zoo Lights. The plan was to go as a family for FHE, but Jesse had fire school that night. (Oh that's one more thing to add to December, Jesse started Fire School and it goes till the beginning of April. Yeah for Jesse!!!) Since the Groupon included 2 adults and 2 children I invited Jesse's mom to come along with us.

Of all the nights that we picked it was probably the coldest yet. If I remember right it was about 15 degrees. While I was getting the boys all bundled up, Ryker asked me why he had to wear his jammies, pants, long sleeved t-shirt, hoodie, hat, gloves, boots AND his snow suit?  I might be a paranoid mother, but my boys were warm.
I admit I didn't have the greatest expectations for the Zoo Lights, so I was pleasantly surprised how cool they actually were. Everything was so vibrant. Ryker loved the green tree, since green is his favorite color. What I thought was neat was all the animal lights. They were all animated and were in the same area that the real animals were.

Another pleasant surprise...Santa was there. Along with two of his "reindeer". While we stood in line waiting, Ryker was able to write a letter to Santa and put it in the mailbox.

This Santa was the sweetest. He really took the time with the kids and listened. And the best part was he had a real beard.
I thought for sure Cy would be totally nervous of Santa, but he was the total opposite. He couldn't stop staring at Santa. While I was taking a picture of the boys and Heidi with Santa. Santa said to me 'you have got to come look at him', so I went to the side to see that Cy was just simply loving and staring at Santa. Oh I just love this picture! It's so sweet. Santa kept commenting on how surprised he was that Cy was just to calm with him. Most younger kids cry.

After we saw all we could see at the Zoo, Heidi took us to dinner to get warmed up. Ryker kept telling me that his face was so cold. haha. So he was happy to get inside and fill his belly.

December 15 (Thursday): Recently whenever I open the fridge, Cy comes crawling as fast as he can to come take a look. On this occasion I left the fridge open after he crawled over. I turned my back for a second to find him standing INSIDE the fridge. He was so proud of himself. I took almost 10 pictures of him. It was crackin' me up to see him on his tip toes and hanging on with his finger tips. I think Uncle Andrew has been giving him some rock climbing tips.

December 16th (Friday): Ryker's Preschool Christmas Program. This was something our whole family was SOOOO excited for. While we were waiting for the program to start the preschoolers come out onto the stage to line up in their positions. Ryker looks out over the audience and sees everybody that he loves there for him. He instantly got the biggest grin on his face. He actually just stood there looking so noble as we all cheered for him. haha Oh man he was just milking it for all it was worth.

I had gone early to save seats for everyone, so we all got to be right up front. What was even better was the fact that Ryker was front and center of the whole program. I want to say the reason he was in the middle on the front row because he was the most animated, the loudest and just darn cute!
I recorded most of the program and the whole time I was trying so hard not to laugh because of how stinkin' cute he was. He knew all the songs perfectly and he wasn't shy about singing out. Oh man this will be a night that I have to add to my favorite moment list.

After the program all the kids got to take their ornaments they made off of the tree. He was so excited to show me. Then everyone came over to our place for some dinner.

Talk about a great night! I had a proud parent moment that night. We love you Ryker!

December 19 (Monday): For FHE a family in our ward invited us to join them with another family to have the kids act out the Nativity. Ryker got the honor of being Joseph. He thought he was so cool. haha

For his outfit I borrowed Jesse's bath robe and I duct taped the bottom to make it shorter and rolled the sleeves up. It was still big but it did the job.

His friend Eden was Mary and Ivan was a wise man who rode into Bethlehem on his camel (daddy).

It was fun to see the kids play out the Nativity. Their attention span lasted about 5 minutes, but we made it work. It was a good way to remind us the reason why we have Christmas.

Christmas Eve: Most of the day was spent making bread and baking cookies,  but we did get the chance to put together a gingerbread house with Ryker. He totally loved it. Even now he won't let me dispose of it. I asked him when I could throw it away and he said I could on Christmas Eve. haha I might be stuck with this as the table center piece throughout 2012.

That night the Smith Family went to The Golden Living Center to perform our  Christmas Eve tradition. We sang and played Christmas songs to the people who live there. This year was kind of a let down because the management didn't tell the elderly prior to when we were coming so when we got there nobody was there. They announced it over the intercom and we had 3 people show up. But that is three more people's Christmas' that we were able to cheer up.

Afterwards we went to Andrew and Emily's house for snacks and games.
Christmas: The morning of Christmas we woke the boys up around 8:30. Before we opened presents we read through the Nativity from the Bible. While Jesse was reading Ryker and Cy got to put the Nativity together. I thought it would be a great way to start our Christmas Morning. Remind us and the boys that it's not about Santa and the's about Christ.

I love this picture of Cy showing me Baby Jesus.

Of course opening presents was super fun. Ryker had a blast. Cy didn't really get it....just wanted the bows, boxes and paper.

This year I asked for a road bike for Christmas and Birthday Combined.  Jesse was so cute, because we are waiting till we have all the funds that I need for the bike, he wrapped up what we had so that I could have something to open Christmas Morning. Along with a video of pictures of us together put to music. So thoughtful. He had me watch it right away. I had to try really hard not to cry. I loved how thoughtful and sweet he was to put that together for me. I felt very loved! Thank you Jesse!

Classic picture of the boys on Christmas Morning.
Once we opened our presents we had to get ready and go to church by 11. The boys wore their new Christmas Sweaters. Don't they just look SO handsome?

Once church was over we went to my parents house at 12:30. There we opened gifts from each other and played games. My parents gave Jesse and I an xbox Kinect and a much needed Date Night!

Our whole family was together all but Alexa and Craig (who was in Cali with Craig's Family). But we will take what we can get. I love my family. Don't know where I'd be without my best friends.

Continuing on with the non stop go-go-go day, we then left at 3:30 to go to the Smith home. Poor Ryker was so grumpy. All he wanted to do was hang out , chill and play with his new toys. But we kept dragging him from place to place.

At the Smith home Cyrus had a huge present waiting for him. Andrew found the biggest box to put his present in. Inside was a little piano. Then Ryker got a HUGE Nerf gun from Andrew (not my favorite)... but it most definitely is his.  All of December Ryker was asking for a train and he gets it...but then the GINORMOUS gun that is bigger than he is ends up being his FAVORITE! Way to show up everyone Andrew. haha.

Heidi gave all the Daughters in Law a night stay in Park City with a $100 shopping spree. This will be a new tradition every year. A Girl's over nighter with shopping. Can't Wait!

We all went in on biking jackets for Mike and Heidi. I thought this picture was funny with the reflectors glowing from the flash.

Christmas was so great to see all of our family. I only wish that Christmas day could be a 48 hour day. Having to be so many places it could be less hectic and more relaxed. But I can't complain because we are so blessed to have our families so close to us.

December 29 (Thursday): I turned 26. The day was spent mostly at work all day, but that night Jesse made plans for us to go to dinner at Benihana and to see the new Mission Impossible movie. Also the best part of the day was Jesse cleaning up the house, folding all the laundry and putting it all away. That was the best birthday present... it took a huge load off of me.

I loved that I got to spend a night with Jesse. He had arranged for the boys to spend the night at his parents, so we had the whole night to ourselves and the whole next morning to chill.

(Disregard the poor picture quality of us at the restaurant, I forgot to bring in my camera, so we took it with my phone.)

This December has been a good one. What a great way to end 2011. YEAH!!!!

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