Tuesday, December 6, 2011

9 months

My sweet little baby is growing up too fast. Can you not look at the face and just feel all warm and fuzzy inside? He has the biggest and most beautiful eyes. He's almost too pretty to be a boy.

 He has become more confident in his mobility that the stairs are no longer a challenge for him. Doesn't he look so proud?
Another favorite of his is to stand at the dishwasher while I'm loading and unloading it. The whole time he grunts and giggles.

The Doctor Stats on Cy...

Weight: 18lbs 14oz - 22%
Height: 27 3/4 inches - 32%
Head Circum: 46.3cm - 78%

We love this little man! So happy he is a part of our family!

1 comment:

Josh and Kaleena said...

Yes, that first picture is so good! His eyes look gorgeous! Unloading the dishwasher is also my little girl's favorite thing to do and I love it! As soon as she hears me open the dishwasher, she comes as fast as she can! And I am happy to let her do the work!