Monday, January 9, 2012

Out of the Mouth of Babes

I have been trying to keep a record whenever Ryker says something totally outrageous, funny and just plain cute. So here are the latest Ryker quotes...

One night as we were on our way home from Jesse's parents, Ryker was telling us he was SOOO hungry. Reason was because he didn't eat his dinner. Rule of thumb if Ryker chooses not to eat dinner he goes to bed hungry. So as I am trying to explain this to him he says... "You're breaking my heart. It's not working anymore. Why don't you love me?".......Talk about a stab right in my own heart.

Another time close to that occasion, Ryker and I were talking in the morning sometime. I can't remember the details about what we were talking about, but I do remember he was complaining about something. But I happened to write down what he had said to me that morning... "I can't feel my heart pumping. I can't. Because you break my heart."

How smart is that?

This one is my favorite.

I was at work (Jan 3) doing my sister, Alexa's hair while her husband, Craig was at my house hanging out with the boys. Alexa got a text from Craig relaying a conversation he had had with Ryker...

Craig: So Ryker, do you have a girlfriend?
Ryker: Yeah
Craig: How's she doing?
Ryker: She's good
Craig: What's your girlfriend's name?
Ryker: Mom

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