Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Making Progress

Jesse has been one busy guy. He started school at the Fire Acadamy. The academy started Jan 2 and goes till the first of April. Classes are randomly two nights a week from 5:00pm to 10:00pm. And every Saturday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Before the class started he was required to pass a prerequisite class in December. And that was two nights a week.

The week of Christmas Jesse's boss ,Todd couldn't find anyone who wanted construction done to their home during Christmas week. So Todd came and worked on our kitchen with Jesse for two days. What makes that week even better was Todd still paid Jesse for that week. It was so generous of Todd to offer up his services and let us have a Christmas bonus. A BIG Thank You to Todd!!! I was  also very excited to see some progress done on the kitchen.

So among Jesse's school he has been so great to still find time to make progress on the kitchen. And it is looking SUPER great! We still have a bit to go. But from the outside looking in you wouldn't even know.

Take a look... 

Beautiful Drawer Fronts...

Never thought I'd be so excited to get Door Knobs...
and Drawer Pulls...
This is one of my favorite features. A pull out Spice Rack on one side...
with a cookie sheet slot on the other. Didn't Jesse do such an amazing job?
Here's the view into the Dining Room from the Kitchen...

This is the pantry. Eventually it'll have a door... :) and it'll be stained.

Here's a closer view.
Many Thanks to my dear husband and his AWESOME skills! He is also going to be one Amazing Firefighter! 

1 comment:

Kari said...

sweet secret pullout drawer things!