Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter 2020

Per Tradition we colored our Easter eggs as a family. Each person was suppose to do 4 or 5.

They all look forward to this activity all week long. 

We had a tough time getting Fynn to understand that he was only allowed to do 5 eggs. He wanted to color them all for himself. 

I had ordered them each an outfit for their Easter gift from me. It was supposed to come in time, but because of Covid it delayed it. So I guess I will give that to them when the package decides to show up. 

During breakfast we were trying to have a casual conversation of why we celebrate EASTER. Jesse was explaining to Fynn is was because Jesus died and came alive again. Fynn exclaimed: "Jesus is dead?" and when we replied "yes he died...." he made this face. Haha

Trying to explain that to a 4 year old didn't quite over so well. We were all giggling about it. 

Once breakfast was over we had dressed for church. I really wanted to make this day feel really special and spiritual. I was able to read a book to them but the rest of the time we tried to do Sacrament and go into a spiritual lesson discussion. I swear whenever there is a holiday or a time when I really am trying SO HARD to have a special day or spiritual moment with these boys it goes terribly wrong. We started up on the lesson and I just quit a part of the way through. I needed a break. They needed a break. Everyone was sent to their rooms to take a chill down moment and start over. 

I can't tell you HOW DIFFICULT it was to get a photo together. Ugh. But we made it. 

This morning I was doing my scripture study and I always love listening to David Butler and Emily Belle Freeman on their Don't Miss This YouTube channel. They both are seminary teachers and they just have the coolest insights that really get me thinking. They look at scripture all a little bit differently. I love their views. 

My thoughts from my study and their "institute" style Easter lesson are this...

Certainly an unexpected way to celebrate my favorite Holiday! This unexpected Easter is just like the first Easter Story. Christ was the Unexpected Jesus! our Hearts at this time of Covid Pandemic might be able to understand that First Easter Story. 

1. It's Too Late (John 11: 1-44)
2. When Given a Donkey (Matt 21: 1-11)
3. In the Mess (John 13: 13-37)
4. Defeat (John 19: 13-37)
5. He is not Here (Matt 28: 5-8

1. It's Too Late:
 a. Lazarus was brother to Mary and Martha.
b. Mary anoints Jesus' feet. 
c. Lazarus is sick and Jesus really does love him. They are friends. So the expected story you would think that Jesus would take are of his good friends and go help Lazarus while he is sick. 
d. There are still disappointment and tragedy to those who are close to Jesus. Lazarus dies.
e. He waited 2 days before he went to see Lazarus who had been dead for 4 days.  Questions that might be asked were: Why didn't He just come to sick Lazarus right at the beginning? Why did he wait? Why didn't He come when things were hard? Why did he let Lazarus go through the sickness? Why didn't he remove it? (vs 4 answers this question: Because of the Glory of God and that the Son of Man might be glorified thereby).
f. Part of the waiting was for Jesus to teach them the Magnitude of the Miracle. There was learning that needed to come within the waiting that couldn't come any other way. 
g. Jesus arrives at the tomb where Lazarus lay in for 4 days. He prays to the Father and cries into the tomb, into the Darkness. How many of us have been in this place? Knowing that Darkness and crying out? I love that he doesn't just whisper. He cries with a loud voice "Lazarus Come Forth!" We need to take this lesson and learn to Hear Him when he tells us to Come Forth!
h. The Unexpected Lesson here is that "When you think it's Too Late... From the Darkness There will Be Light! And that Light really can shine brighter in dark places.

2. When Given a Donkey:
a. Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a Donkey.
b. Everyone is waiting for someone to come save them from the Romans(enemies).
c. What do you think the disciples thought when they were asked to go get a donkey for Jesus? Why not a white horse? With a saddle? A sword? A cape? A parade?
d. The Donkey was so unexpected.... Riding in on a donkey... in humility, meekness teaching "My deliverance looks a little bit different that what you were expecting. And there is still reason to rejoice!"
e. Those that recognized Him, cut down branches to say "Hosanna", others not quite sure who He was but joined in---All the City was Moved!(vs 10)
d. When you are given a donkey instead of a noble stead, He will still give you reason to rejoice and shout Hosanna!
e. When things are unexpected that causes you to say "Who is Jesus in this situation?" "What will he look like in this situation?"

3. In the Mess:
a. vs 5 Jesus wipes/washes the disciples feet.
b. vs 6 Peter: "Lord, are you going to wash my feet?" The unexpectedness is in this question. At that day and age someone's feet would have been the dirtiest part of them due to wearing sandals and walking in the dusty roads.
c. Custom was that the host of the dinner is the "Master" at the dinner. Usually the Master or Host wouldn't get into the mess of washing the guests feet. Usually a servant would do that. 
d. vs 7 Jesus says "you will know here after"
e. vs 8 Peter says "You aren't going to wash my feet." and Jesus replies "If you don't let me wash your feet, you have no part with me."
f. vs 9 Peter says "Ok Lord, not just my feet, wash my whole body. Minister to all of me, all of my mess. I will let you in EVERYWHERE"
g. The unexpected lesson here is that Jesus wants to meet us in our mess. It is where he does his best work.

4. Defeat:
a. The Crucifixion death was the worst and lowest form. It was reserved to humiliate and crush people morally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Ultimate defeat for the worst traitors an worst enemies. 
b. People at the time of Christ's crucifixion would probably feel or question "Christ was supposed to beat Rome, but Rome beat him. He lost!"
c. As the people looked up at the cross they would have just thought "It's over" or "This isn't how it's suppose to happen" or "I can't believe this is happening". They couldn't see that this REALLY WAS CHRIST'S VICTORY! He was defeating Rome, He was defeating a much bigger enemy! And He was doing it in a way that was SO UNEXPECTED!
d. If you were to look at a painting of the crucifixion you might label it as DEFEAT!!! In reality, it should be labeled VICTORY! Crowned King of Kings!
e. What do I label as defeat, but could really be Victory? What am I becoming through my defeats?
f. What we view as Defeat will become His Victory!

5. He is not Here:
a. The day that Jesus was risen, but they didn't know that is going to happen!
b. The women go to the tomb and look in and their first thought is "He is not here! Then the angel appears and says "I know you are looking for Jesus and He is not here." I'm sure they were thinking "After all that has happened and someone stole His body?"  The angel confirms what Christ had taught "He is Risen Like He had said. Now go QUICKLY and tell your brethren."
c. Go Quickly and move forward. This is how you are actually allowing yourself to see HIM!
d. The unexpected Lesson here is "If it seems He is not Here, Move Forwards, because you will see Him there." Sometimes He prepares the way before you, JUST KEEP GOING!

What Easter is About:

Who is this?
Who is that you are rejoicing in?
Who is this that is bringing Hope?
Who is the reason for Rejoicing?


That afternoon we thought it would be nice to go for a walk. Jesse came up with the idea to drive up above the B and on the way back down let the boys ride their bikes while we followed them down. We mentioned the idea to them and they all loved it. 

Fynn recently has learned to ride a pedal bike. For a long time he was so comfortable on the Strider bike (it's a balance bike without pedals). Finally he got the courage to add the pedals. He looks so much like a big boy with his older brothers riding down the dirt road together. 

Boys, bikes and their pup!

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