Monday, January 13, 2020

From One Boy to the Next

Last I wrote I was talking about Cy and his earaches. By Tuesday morning last week I couldn't do it anymore. I had done everything in my power to get Cyrus all the home remedies that I knew and it just hung on. So I took him into Urgent Care. They looked at his ears and prescribed Amoxicillin for 10 days. Ugh. 

Well it's been almost a week since he started the antibiotics and I don't feel like it's really helped him improve all that much. He finally went to school on Friday, but he is unable to really hear with either ear. I went into the school to talk to his teachers to let them know that he's a bit hard of hearing. 

Friday, Jesse went back on duty so Heidi came out to watch the boys. Fynn seemed ok, but a little whiny about his ear. By the afternoon Heidi called me and told me he was miserable. She did all the steps for helping him get comfortable. She also had offered that morning to take the boys over to her house that night to sleep over. But then I was feeling so guilty that Fynn was feeling sick. But she still did and had them all the next day as well. 

It felt really good to be able to sleep through the night, but I had mama guilt that Mike and Heidi were taking care of them for me. But it did give me time to prepare and study for my combined YW lesson. 

By today Fynn is still pretty miserable. I don't feel like I am going to get him on an antibiotic since it doesn't seem to have help Cy much. And especially since Fynn has some bad history with antibiotics. I'll try and keep him comfortable in the mean time. Hopefully we can get through it faster than Cy has. Ugh. Buckle down for another week of no sleep. Yay.  

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