Sunday, January 5, 2020

Annual New Years Sledding Day

Well, we tried to keep with our tradition of sledding on New Years Day. We didn't have that much snow. So what do you call sledding without snow? Grassing? Icing? Not sure. 

Heidi was planning on her cousin, Tony (and his family) over, so we were trying to meet at a neutral sledding area for everyone. So Heidi picked Flat Iron Mesa. The hill was amazing but the snow was lacking this year. 

I think if we would have stayed in Bountiful we could have had a little more snowy of a hill. But we went out south to accommodate Tony. But at the last minute he said he needed to take a nap. haha
But it didn't stop alot of people from sledding. When we got there we saw so several people on the hill still going for it. So we did too. We noticed a sign that said "NO SLEDDING PERMITTED" and yet there were so many people sledding. I had to get a picture of the boys with their sleds and that sign because I thought it was funny.



Mike and Heidi were tending their friends dog, Buddy. So Murphy had a friend to play with. There were several other dogs there too and the 2 of them were having a big ole party. They ran all over that hill. We were all commenting how amazing it is the dogs can run back up the hill just as fast as they ran down it. 

I swear this little dude grew up that day. I kept looking at him thinking how big he looked. Maybe it's because he's wearing Cy's jacket (since we forgot to bring Fynn's). 

Ryker was a champ going down that hill over and over again. As we were walking back to the truck I was giggling over the fact that he was not covered in snow, he was covered in grass instead. GRASS. In January! 

We went back to Mike and Heidi's for dinner and meet up with Tony and his family! Which they are the coolest, nicest family around. We all had the nicest conversations and were super enjoyable. 
After they said goodbye, the boys wanted to play games for a bit because all the adult talking bored them to tears. haha. They played for a bit. Dad went to bed early and I was finalizing up the blog for 2019. Around 11pm we headed home. Just pooped!

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