Monday, January 6, 2020

Coming out of Winter Break with no steam

The past few nights and days have been sickness galore. And it's hit my oldest 2 boys the hardest. Today is Monday. The past 3 nights I have been up throughout the night with Cy and his aching ear. I have been doing all the home remedies that I know. Heat, cold, ear candling, essentials oils diffused, put in his ear and topically around his ear, colloidal silver, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Chiropractor adjustments, priesthood blessing, decongestant, ear pills etc. 

On Saturday I went to work for only a few hours. Jesse went on duty as well so I just let them stay home and nap and watch a movie. As I was leaving I saw them passed out on the couch and Murphy just watching over them protecting them. 

Ryker has had more of a flu like cold and he was aching and tired. He perked up yesterday and went back to school today, still a little stuffed up , but ok for school. But Cy is still so miserable. His ears are just not giving up on this. He'll be ok for awhile and settle into a comfortable state, and then he'll wake up crying and in alot of pain. I've had moments begging God to just let Cy heal and get better. 
Last night as we were going bed I had him all settled on our chase lounge, but it just wasn't helping him. So I brought him onto my bed and snuggled with him and watch Peter Pan on my phone. He fell asleep eventually. And around 4 ish he woke up hurting. I gave him some pain reliever. And then tried to keep on top of the pain.  The rest of the day has felt the same. Not improving much. By this evening he had a moment of just pure pain. I couldn't calm him until I put him in the shower. It calmed him a little bit.

I text my brother to come over and help Jesse give Cy a blessing of healing. We looked up the Urgent Care that is under our new insurance. That we have had for a year and haven't had to use yet, so I have no idea where to go. Thankfully one of my clients helped me and recommended the Farmington UofU Urgent Care.

Cy has settled down again and I think we are going to wait until the morning to take him into the Dr. And I just pray by that point he will be more on the mend. Prayers. Lots of prayers. 

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