Saturday, December 30, 2017

Primary Children's Day 2

When I woke up this morning I was a little disoriented. I forgot where I was and then remembered that my baby was in the PICU. I grabbed my phone quickly to see if Jesse had tried to write me in the night and I hadn't heard it. But there was nothing there. I text him right away to see how Fynn was. He told me that Fynn was still the same.

I went to work and was not super thrilled to be there. All of my clients were wondering why the heck I was even working. But I didn't know how I would be able to move my full day to another day that I didn't even have. So I worked. I think it was actually a blessing that I was working because I was more of a wreck when I was at the hospital with Fynn.

I got a few pictures from Jesse. Heidi had come up to spend the day with Fynnie. Mike stayed home with Ryker and Cy.  
Around 11am they took Fynn off of the Heliox. They said if he could go 6-8 hours without it then they could transfer him to the step down unit. 

Jesse had also sent me a picture of Fynn eating a popsicle. Apparently he wasn't aloud to eat anything since he had been checked into the PICU because they needed to keep his airway clear and also incase they still needed to intubate him. 

But as soon as they took him off the Heliox and gave him some food, he seemed to perk up. Jesse sent me a video of him actually talking. (I found out later from Heidi that Jesse got choked up when Fynn started to talk. This made my heart melt a little bit to know how much this meant to Jesse).

My last client is also friends with me on facebook and she saw my post from yesterday about Fynn being in the PICU. Sh refused to come in and that her hair could wait. I felt bad about it at first but then I was really relieved as the day went on that I could get to the hospital sooner. So instead of a 9-5 work day I was able to finish at 3pm. 

Jesse had called me around 2:30pm telling me that he was headed home to shower and take an hour nap. He was planning on going back up there at 4pm when he woke up from his nap. Heidi stayed at the hospital with Fynn. 

I got home around 3:30pm and was quiet as possible until Jesse woke up. Bless his heart he had had very little rest. As soon as he woke up he was anxious to get back up to the hospital because they were moving Fynn to the Step-Down unit and wanted to be there when they did. I had in my head that they would only allow one parent to stay the night. I thought I should stay since Jesse had stayed the night before. But Jesse was in a hurry so I thought I could come back later to get a bag packed and then go back up to the hospital.

When we arrived they had just barely moved Fynn, so we met them in his new room. I was so anxious to see him but he really just wanted Grandma and Dad. He was punishing me for working all day. But Jesse coaxed him into sitting with me. It was soothing to my heart to hold me baby. I love how close Jesse and Fynn always have been, but sometimes my mama heart is jealous. After all I carried this little one 11 extra days in the womb. 
While we were there Fynn was able to get his IV taken out. That was the last of all the cords hooked up to him so I thought he'd be excited to get it out. Matter of fact he was so sad while they were taking it out. Super brave but so sad. I think he was just so sick of doctors and nurses poking and prodding him. He learned to say "No", "Don't", "Stop" and "Go Away" to everyone that came in before they even touched him. He's usually very charming and friendly with everyone, but the poor babe had been through ALOT. 
Thankfully Daddy was there to hold him and calm him down after the nurse was done. Fynn fell asleep instantly all tucked up under Daddy's arm.

As the night went on I found out that we both could stay. But I hadn't brought anything to stay the night. I would have just sucked it up, but my daily contacts aren't able to last more than the one day and I didn't have me glasses to switch them out. So I told Jesse that I would run home and grab stuff for the night and for the following day. 

On the way home I noticed the truck was low on gas, I thought I better fill it up before I went back up to the hospital. Once I got home and saw how late it was and everything that I needed to do, it didn't make sense to go all the way back up there. I text Jesse about the thought of me just sleeping at home and bringing everything up early the next morning. He said that was just fine. 

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