Sunday, April 9, 2017

Papa Smith is 60!!!!

Mike turned 60 years old this week too. So we celebrated as a family in his honor. Heidi set up the whole thing. For our first time ever we all went to an Escape Room. They are really popular right now. They lock you in a room (all different themes) and you have to search for clues to get out. Sounds like fun right? Being locked in a room for an hour. Luckily nobody is claustrophobic. 

But it was actually really fun. We had an hour to figure it out. And we could ask for clues along the way. Which we had to do quite often.  
The "littles" made things a little bit trickier since they wanted to get into things that we needed them not in. But they are cute little puzzle solvers in their own way.
Afterwards we all went to dinner at one of Mike's favorite Chinese restaurants. We were able to give him his birthday gifts. One of them being a scrapbook Heidi had put together. It was compiled with pictures all of the family had send her along with our own personal letter to him. He loves it! And it was fun to see how it turned out.
Heidi made an amazing carrot cake (that I ate too much of). But it was so yummy, I could't help myself.

I was telling Jesse and really anyone that I know about Dad's birthday and I said that Mike really doesn't look a day  older than the first day I met him. And that's the truth. He seems so young to me still. And that's probably because of how active he is.

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