Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween Weekend 2016

Halloween came way too fast this year. It felt like October was over in a blink of an eye. But it really could have felt that way due to how much I was trying to accomplish for these Halloween costumes. Friday the 28th was my Due Date of having to get everything done. The boys had their Halloween Parade Friday morning. Then we had our ward Trunk or Treat that night. And much to my surprise I made it happen and got everything done.

As I was getting the boys all ready Friday morning I was getting quite giddy how awesome their costumes came together. They exceeded far beyond my expectations.
After the parade I went to work for a little bit and then came home to cook a quick dinner before we went to the Ward Trunk or Treat. They were serving Hot Dogs and I just didn't really want that. So I scrambled some eggs. Haha.

Anyway we got all dressed up. Unfortunately Jesse was on duty, so we were missing our Wizard.
I love this picture of Ryker and Cyrus. They both took on the rolls so perfectly. Every year the boys ask me what we are going to be as a family for Halloween. And I have had a lot of people ask me how I get everyone on board with it because their kids all want to do their own thing. Which I tend to run into that problem a little bit, so I have to do a little bit of persuading. Ryker was on board with the Wizard of Oz idea but Cy wasn't so sure. Not sure when, but Ryker had seen the movie before so he was excited about it and call dibs on being the Tin Man. So I told Cy that he would be the Scarecrow and he wasn't so sure.

So I rented the Wizard of Oz movie and we watched it together. After that Cyrus was on board with it. Success. Check out how he's holding his finger to his head. He was getting into character along with Ryker.

And cute little Fynnie let me paint his nose for the lion, which just made the whole thing. We later found out that we won best costume from that night. A $10 gift card to Spanky's.
The 29th we went to Mike and Heidi's ward Trunk or Treat. Originally only the boys were going to go, but then I wanted to go because of all the time I put into these costumes I wanted to wear them as much as possible.

Mom and Dad were cute and joined in on our theme and dressed up as the Lollipop Guild.

I was glad to get a picture with our WIZARD!
I think Jesse should wear a Top Hat everyday because I think he looks so handsome in it. Haha.
We had to leave the party a little bit early because Jesse's friend, Dave was taking us out for their birthdays for the 3 year in a row. To Ruth's Chris! So yummy. This dinner is beyond delicious. Worth every penny and calorie.
This morning my mom's new neighborhood was putting together a mini carnival and she asked me to bring the boys up. So I did.

They had little games and treats. It was perfect for the kiddos. They had a blast.
Tonight we hung out with Kris and Keya. We went to the same neighborhood we went last year where this family friend of theirs decorates her garage and hands out tons of candy and toys.
I was happy that the weather was still so nice. It got a little chilly as the sun went down, but I only needed a light sweater. The boys were all warm in their outfits.

Of all the years that I have done this themed Family costumes this year was by far my favorite.

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