Saturday, November 5, 2016

Bridal shower

I was invited to one of Chantel's bridal showers today. Yup thats right! My baby sister is getting married. In 2 weeks actually. Her and Tyler's engagement is only 6 weeks so it was a bit of a shock when we found out the news. But I'm excited for her. 

I was grateful that I have been able to be a support for her in all this. I have been the only sister around to be here for her. It's also really surreal that I am old enough to have my baby sister get married. I feel like her second mom. Super protective and care for her. So it's a good thing I like Tyler and trust that he'll take care of her.

Also they asked to Rent our basement. So that'll be a great way to start having renters. Helps them out and us. So it's a win win all around.

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