Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Looking Festive around here.

I'll be honest there was something inside me that wasn't looking forward to decorating for Christmas. But thanks heavens for kids becasue they were to ones that snapped me out of that. They were all sorts of excited to decorate. So excited that I've never seen them so motivated to get the house cleaned up. 

Now that it is up and we were jammin to Pentatonix Christmas music we got the Christmas feel in our home. 
This little man is curious about everything though.
I made sure that any fragile ornaments were put higher on the tree to be safe this year. Haha.
I don't have a whole lot of Christmas Decor but it's enough to get things feeling Christmasy around here.
I hope I can try to make the focus this year on Christ. And teach my boys the meaning behind Chirstmas.

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