Monday, February 22, 2016

Friend Birthday Bash {02/15/16}

I had a genius idea this year for Ryker's birthday party with his friends. Sledding! It's been a great year for that with all the snow we've had. I did start to get worried because the week leading up to the party it started to warm up and was raining. I wanted there to be enough snow that we could still go sledding. I wasn't sure what I would do instead with 13 kids coming over. But luckily it still worked out to go.
Here is our group of kiddos before we started the sledding shin-an-a-gins. Left to Right:(back) Hailee, Sterling, Ever, Maya, Molly, Max, Sunny, Jocie and Jace. (front) Ryker, Cyrus, Emily, Westbrook and Rafe.
What a great turnout! Some of the kids are siblings of Ryker's friends that I just thought they would have so much fun so I invited them to come along as well. 
 Now I couldn't have pulled this off without the help of these 4 peeps. Emily (SIL), Jesse, Timalee (Cousin) and Tyler (friend). They were my drivers to get this whole gang of kids to and from sledding.
 That one moment Jesse pulled several of the sleds (and 2 girls) up the hill. It was quite impressive!
 These kiddos had such a blast! I love self entertained activities.
 This boy was on cloud 9.
 After sledding we all headed back home. While we waited for pizza to arrive we had a dance party. I was getting a kick out of these kids moves. I totally had to join in on the fun. I was the only crazy childish adult to join in on the dance craze.
 Ryker was the center of it all. He was pulling out some robot moves. I was loving watching him. I got some awesome recordings of him and the rest of the kiddos.
 Once the pizza came it was FEAST time. These kiddos were SOOOOO hungry from playing so hard. I would be that each kid ate about 3 slices. Haha.

Oh we had so much fun. It was a HUGE SUCCESS! That was the most fun and least stressful birthday party I've put together yet. I didn't bother with gifts. Everybody came and we just celebrated Ryker!!!!!

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