Monday, February 15, 2016

5 months old

By the time I get around to posting about Fynn turning 5 months old, he's almost 6 months old. Man its tough to keep up with how quick he is growing up. I can't decide if I like it or not.
Fynn still is the happiest baby. I am constantly asked "Is he always this happy?" Yup. He really is.
He's been eating like crazy. He loves the baby food that he's been getting. And he's so much better at eating it now.
 I am in love with this photo because he finally started grabbing his feet. I've been waiting for this. I don't know what I love it so much, but I just do. He'll grab his socks and try to pull them off and eat his toes. Oh I think it's so cute.
 This was a tender moment that happened a few weeks ago. Jesse needed a nap after working a fought shift and it happened to be at the same time that Fynn needed one. They both fell asleep together and I thought it was so sweet.
 I mean look at this smile. How can you not just want to munch on him? Oh I get that urge to bite/squeeze him quite often. I have to catch myself and just clench my teeth so I don't actually do it. He's just the cutest.
 So crazy story. The day of my Surprise Party Cyrus was playing with Fynn in the toy room. Heidi heard Fynn scream bloody murder. She ran in there to see what had happened and she couldn't figure it out. All she got from Cy was that he pulled him across the carpet really fast. So it wasn't until later that she discovered that the reason Fynn screamed was because he got rug burn on the back of his head. A few days later it was all stabbed over so when he woke up from his nap it was bleeding. At that point I needed to cover it with a Bandai to protect it,

I know Cy wasn't trying to hurt Fynn. Cy truly was just thinking that if Fynn got a really fast ride Fynn would think it's so great. Haha. I know he felt bad about it.

I'm sure this is just the first of many battle wounds. Haha.
 Bath time. Such a cutie.
 I love coming home from work and just getting my Fynn fix.

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